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“You don’t trust them. But they saved my brother.”

“Yeah, but I would rather be safe than sorry. When your parents arrive and confirm they are friends of theirs like they say, I’ll be convinced.”

“Oh, you think they might have saved my brother on Regina’s orders? And then brought him here to sneak in like offering a Trojan Horse?” Fiona sounded shocked.

“Anything is possible when it comes to powerful vampires. Regina could have learned that we fought with the Scots to overthrow the League here.”

“Okay. Do the others know to keep quiet about it?”

Arman took hold of Fiona’s hand and squeezed it with reassurance. “Yeah. We all have lived for so long, it’s instinctual.”

“Oh, sure, that makes sense.”

He hoped he wasn’t distracting her from watching the sword fighting lesson, but she’d asked an important question of him, and he had needed to ensure she knew not to mention any dreams or visions she might have in front of the sister and brother. He should have thought of it before, but he’d been so tired when they first got in, he had forgotten about it.

“So what do you think of the sword fighting?” he asked her.

“I’m eager to try it.”

He smiled. “It looks like your brother is really ready to try it.” He watched him parroting Levka and Ruric’s moves with his practice sword and was really getting into it.

Then it was time for the newbies to begin practicing and Arman paired up with Fiona. Ruric was showing Justin the moves. Levka was working with Caitlin again. She really was getting better at it. She knew the stances and she knew the sword movements. But what he was really surprised at was that Fiona was really capable of handling a sword.


Stasio, Michail, and Shelly were watching the rest of them practice at sword fighting, though Fiona was trying to concentrate on the mission—training and being the best she could be. Just like when she was training in martial arts and doing sword demonstrations. She was amused at seeing Arman’s look of awe and surprise when she could wield a sword so well. This came naturally to her, and she was really enjoying the workout. She wasn’t tired at all like she thought she would be. She hadn’t done martial arts in the time since she had moved to Portland.

But using a sword to end a vampire, that was a whole other story. She wasn’t sure she could do that. Then again, if a vampire was trying to kill her, she wasn’t going to just allow it. She still couldn’t believe she had disturbed Arman from the vision he was having. Or a dream. She wished they could know which it was. They wouldn’t know though until they had some confirmation. Like she was missing, everyone was searching for her on the night of the blood moon, and she was involved in a sword fight. Or maybe she wasn’t. Maybe it was one of the other people in their little party who was off fighting.

She hoped that Arman would see more in another dream that would help them pinpoint what was going on. Or that maybe she would. She had no intention of leaving the mansion on her own.

Her brother was taking a break and watching her now. So was Ruric. Then Caitlin and Levka took a break and observed Arman and Fiona practicing. When they finally finished, everyone clapped. Fiona smiled. She enjoyed that they thought she was halfway competent to wield a sword.

They went inside to get some refreshments.

“You did great,” Caitlin said. “I’ve been practicing for over a year to get to where I am and wow, I am so impressed at how well you did for your first time at it.”

Justin agreed. “I was the real newbie at this. I should have taken martial arts like you did, Fiona.”

“Yeah, but you’ve got muscles,” Jasmine said. “So once you get the moves down and they come naturally, you can really put those muscles to work on strong swings.”

Which reminded Fiona why they were here, and she kept thinking Justin shouldn’t be. That he would be safer if he wasn’t near her.

They all headed inside to get some refreshments.

“Do you think my brother should be somewhere else? Somewhere that might be safer?” she asked Arman.

“He needs to be here if he’s to be safe. If Regina were to get to him, she could force you to return to come to his rescue. This is where he needs to be,” Arman reassured her.

“Okay, I just wanted to be sure.”

Some of the kitchen staff brought them tea and shortbread cookies, then left them alone. The friends began drinking the assortments of tea from Scotch to heather and having cookies in the living room when Fiona looked at the new phone they had gotten her and realized Justin had to have his phone too. What if Regina and Tobias could find him through that? “What about Justin’s phone? Could they find him that way?”

Justin was just then looking at his phone.

Arman asked, “Hey, is that a new phone?”

“Uh, yeah. That was part of what I won on this trip. But…you all won a trip here also? That’s sounds like way too much of a coincidence,” Justin said to Fiona.

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