Page 96 of Delirium

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Panic, I realize belatedly.

I’m feeling panic.

Does Raymond know about Fischer? Only the guys and I know, and I doubt any of them told him. Unless he overheard one of our phone calls with Ryker…

I try to shut down my thoughts before they can spiral out of control and send me descending into a pit of madness. Even still, my breathing is embarrassingly choppy, almost wheezy, and my palms are slick with sweat.

“Tell them,” Ryker growls sharply, and at first, I think he’s talking to me. But when my eyes snap in his direction, I find that he’s staring intently at Raymond, a challenge in his fathomless blue eyes. “Fucking tell them, Raymond, or I will.”

“Tell us what?” Zane’s tone is casual, but the hand holding his dagger tightens nearly imperceptibly. His eyes glint with that inner darkness I’ve only seen a few times before—the one that suggests he’s close to losing his grip on sanity entirely.

Raymond’s head falls forward, and he cradles it between his hands. “Fuck.” He glances up at me, his eyes wary. “I didn’t want you to find out like this, kiddo. I thought I’d have more time to explain everything.”

The pounding of my heart reaches a crescendo, drowning out every other noise. “Explain what?”

“Your uncle is a damn Fed!” Ryker explodes, apparently unable to wait a second longer for Raymond to get his thoughts in order. He jabs an accusatory finger in the older man’s direction. “He’s been working for the FBI this whole damn time and didn’t bother to tell us!”

Ice sludges through my veins, and a shiver skates down my spine.

I wait for Raymond to deny it, to argue, to justify himself, but he remains silent.

Oh my god.

Tears prick the backs of my eyes.

What does this mean for me? For us? All those people Raymond convinced my guys to kill…

I feel physically sick. Nausea churns in my stomach. The familiar claws of panic and fear rake down my spine, leaving behind deep, jagged wounds.

Zane moves with an almost blistering speed, so he’s standing behind Raymond, holding a knife to his throat. At the same time, Teak lifts his gun and aims it at my lover’s head. Landon and Dom both jump to their feet and produce handguns as well, while Beckett and Ryker move to surround me, replacing Landon’s and Dom’s positions on either side of me on the couch.

Raymond appears unfazed by the blade at his neck, even though each time he exhales, it jabs against his skin, drawing blood.

“Guys, stand down,” he orders his men with an airy wave of his hand.

“But, sir—” Teak argues.

“I said stand down!”

Reluctantly, Teak and the others lower their weapons.

Landon and Dom, however, keep their own guns raised and aimed at the impending threats in the room.

“Are we not going to have a civilized conversation?” Raymond sounds exasperated.

Landon stalks forward, stopping only when he’s in front of Raymond, glaring down at him. “I’ve never heard of Feds manipulating children to do their dirty work for them.” His voice holds a sharp, bitter edge to it.

“Yeah, well…” Raymond shrugs his shoulders. “This case is personal to me.” He absently scratches at the back of his neck, still seemingly unperturbed by the blade flush against his skin. “To be honest, I’m not the agent assigned to this case. I’m not supposed to be anywhere near it.” His upper lip peels away from his teeth in disgust. I can tell he’s not happy with that order.

“But he’s been in contact with the agents in charge,” Ryker snipes, his cheeks flushing with rage. “I saw them here just a few days ago.”

“Agent Larissa Marsha and Agent Timon Jeffries.” Raymond nods once in agreement. “We exchange information from time to time. They know I have a…vested interest in the Paragons of Prosperity and The Divine One. For the longest time, I even had someone on the inside who would feed me back information… ” My uncle gives me a pointed look.

“Senator Whipers,” I breathe in understanding. “He was your source, wasn’t he?”

Raymond’s lips thin. “I wish you would’ve told me that you not only met up with him, but that he’d been taken by POP.”

Ah. So that was the secret Raymond was referring to. Ryker must’ve explained what we knew about the senator. I just pray Ryker hasn’t given away anything else—like the information we found in the address Reece gave us.
