Page 81 of Delirium

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As if Roy suspected as much and was only waiting to hear it confirmed. The damn boy doesn’t even look horrified.

“Your father, here, uses the app constantly.” Landon reaches for Tommy’s father…and then shoves his thumb into one of the numerous wounds adorning his skin. The older man shrieks in pain, but the noise is music to my ears.

I want him to scream even louder, to feel a sliver of the pain he put all those men and women through.

Innocent men and women, whose only crime was being poor.

“Did you know that your own mother was paid for on the app?” Landon doesn’t even blink after throwing that bomb into Roy’s lap. Twisted motherfucker.

“You’re fucking lying.” Roy’s face has drained of color, turning a sickly shade of white so translucent I can see each individual vein.

“It’s the truth. Tommy, here, was having issues…performing, so to speak. He paid for a wife to be brought here from the Ukraine.”

It was surprisingly easy to access that information. We suspected as much after doing our research—his wife arrived from across the ocean, and within a few days, they were married—but our theory was confirmed once we accessed Tommy’s phone.

It’s why we chose to let Nadia live.

From what we gathered, she hates her abusive piece of shit husband and her son, so the second we arrived at her home—and told her in no uncertain terms what we planned to do to her family—she left with only a threatening, “Don’t get blood on my carpet.”

I like her.

Besides, it’s not like Roy is her biological son. He was adopted as a baby when Tommy, once again, failed to produce an heir.

Nadia wasn’t even able to see him until he turned sixteen, having been carted to various countries to help with Tommy’s “business dealings.” It doesn’t take a genius to know Tommy was pimping out his own wife and that Roy was well aware of it.

“Tommy uses the app constantly to purchase young men for the night,” Landon continues with a sugary-sweet smile—a piece of candy laced with acerbic poison. “Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. But when you buy your one-night stands off the internet?” He tsks his tongue in disapproval. “That’s when I get angry.”

And the damn fuck even has video evidence on his phone. There’s no denying that all the men were unwilling and that a few of them were even underage. It’s fucking disgusting and only makes me want to take my time killing this piece of shit.

Our plan is to take out the trash, so to speak, and then send all the evidence we compiled to the police. Yes, a few of the officers are corrupt fucks, but there’s no way they’ll be able to get away with sweeping this evidence beneath the proverbial rug, not if they want to keep their jobs.

And of course, once the police go to arrest Tommy, they’ll find that he “packed up” and “moved to Mexico.”

We’ve gotten very, very good at making people disappear.

“Now,” Landon continues, “we might be willing to show you some leniency if you give us information.” He brandishes his knife in the air as if it’s a prop to use in his monologue. “Tell us every person you know who’s a member of POP, when their next meeting is, who they plan to sacrifice next, where they’re going to?—”

“Why should we tell you shit? You’re just going to kill us, anyway!” Roy bites out, anger turning his cheeks crimson. “Besides, I don’t know anything about this POP group.” A cold, malevolent grin curls up his bloodied lips. “You all are just jealous that Ellie wanted me. That I felt her body beneath mine. That she cried out my name. That I felt her breast?—”

I don’t know how it happened.

One second, I’m casually leaning against the far wall like a good little murderer, and the next, my knife is in the fucker’s throat.


Tommy screams in anguish as blood fills Roy’s mouth. The boy’s eyes have gone wide with terror before they glaze over. His chin dips toward his chest, now coated in blood.

“Roy!” Tommy cries out. “Roy! Answer me!” Then, louder, “You killed my son!”

Landon presses his palm to his forehead. “Really, Zane? Why the fuck did you do that?”

I grimace. “It was an accident.”

“How do you accidentally stab someone?”

“The same way you accidentally shoot someone or accidentally choke someone or accidentally drown someone or accidentally?—”
