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“Maple or Willow?”

“Everyone is fine. It’s you we need to talk about.” Her eyebrows shoot up, and she stops kneading the dough she was working on. Eleanor gave Birdie some sourdough starter, and she’s been on a kick ever since. There’s a fresh loaf waiting when we’re down to the last few slices, and I’m not complaining a bit. Birdie in the kitchen, Birdie with the animals, Birdie working, and Birdie when I’ve got her naked in any way will always be my favorite.

“What do you mean?” She drops the dough into the loaf pan to rest, throws a towel on top of it, and then moves to the sink.

“Baby, you’ve been home for how long now? We haven’t used protection, and you’ve not had a period. It’s time to take a test.” After work, I went into town. I didn’t want to drive to the nearest grocery store, which is damn near thirty minutes away. The next closest place is one of those damn dollar stores. It’s as good as any other place, even though they jack the price up for convenience. This couldn’t wait.

“Um, Lane, how do you know so much about my body?” Birdie washes and dries her hands. I walk closer, the bag swinging in my fingers, and Rocky climbs out of his bed, stretchinglike he’s worked all day. I dropped him off before heading to the store. Birdie wasn’t in the kitchen, so she probably didn’t even notice. Once she’s in the zone, she’s in the zone, especially with work or in the kitchen. She tunes everything out or wears headphones to tune the background noise out. I didn’t understand the need at first until she explained that in college, there wasn’t a choice. Dorm life wasn’t about studying for her roommate. Partying was. The library wasn’t much better either, so now it’s something she does automatically. Tallulah does the same thing apparently, except hers is to listen to romance novels. Both the girls have a wine night once a week and talk about their latest read. That’ll be coming to an end if my suspicions are right, the wine aspect at least.

“Babe, my dick has been in you nonstop. Besides the one night Law and I went down to Colorado. You think any kinda man wouldn’t put two and two together?” I drop the bag on the counter. The three boxes of pregnancy tests tumble out. There were a lot to choose from, one claiming to be an early response, another claiming to have the fastest response time, and then another cheaper one.

“I think you may have gone overboard, Lane,” she says, eying the counter. A tentative hand reaches for the early response box, and I think the idea is finally settling in.

“Maybe, maybe not. Figure they don’texpire, so they’ll eventually get used.” I watch as her unoccupied hand trembles as it goes to her mouth, and that’s enough of that. “Take the test, Birdie. I’m here, always. I’m never letting you go again. You set out to achieve your goals. Now it’s time we accomplish the ones we want to achieve together.” I round the corner. My hands cup her cheeks, and she moves her hand away from her mouth to hold my wrists.

“What if it says I’m not pregnant, though?”

“Then we keep trying until you are.” I press my lips softly to hers for a moment, knowing this could easily change into a naked kind of moment. “You good?” She takes a deep breath.

“I am. We’re really doing this, aren’t we?”

“Yeah, Birdie, we are.” I take the decision out of her control, grabbing the box from her hand while the other laces our fingers together. I’m all but dragging her to the nearest bathroom, which so happens to be the half bath off the living room. A two-story ranch house with the master bedroom downstairs is going to come in handy after the news we receive today.

“No way, you are not. Lane William Johnson, I will kick you in the balls, and then children won’t be a problem.” I shake my head. I’ve seen Birdie in every way imaginable. This isn’t something I feel the need to be away from.

“Babe, you think I’m worried about you peeing in front of me? One day, I’m going to be holding your hand while you deliver our baby.This is nothing.” Birdie crosses her arms over her chest. My eyes zero in on her tits and I lick my lips, knowing we’ll be celebrating in the next ten minutes. She’s going to be riding my face, and my hands are going to be working her nipples.

“That’s well and fine when it happens, but this is a hard no, Lane.”

“Leave the door open, and I’ll stay out here with my back turned,” I compromise.

“Fine. Insufferable, always-gets-his-way man.” She mutters that last part, but I’m already doing what I said I would. I use the wall to prop myself up. Birdie rips open the box as she continues talking in a hushed tone. From what I can surmise, it’s the directions. Finally, after what seems like fucking forever, I hear the zipper of her jean shorts followed by her taking care of business. My head tips back, and I close my eyes. It's time I made Birdie mine permanently. The ring I’ve had forever is going on her finger tonight, regardless of the answer we receive. I’m tired of her not having my last name or a ring on her finger. I’ve already got the gold-and-diamond band in my possession. It’s soft, delicate, and nothing overly flashy. One thing about Birdie is she’s not much for showing off. Hell, it’s why she’s had the same vehicle for years.

“Alright, you can come in now.” A turn of a corner and three steps, then I’m there with her. She’s washing her hands, and her eyes stay on the test the entire time.

“You good, baby?” I come up behind her, my arms wrapping around her middle, chin settling on her shoulder. Birdie’s eyes meet mine in the mirror for a moment and then slide back to the test.

“I am. Do you see what I see?” I look at the test and see a positive sign.

“Fuck yeah, Birdie. You’re going to have my baby, you’re going to be my wife, and I’m going to love you,always.”
