Page 30 of Never Mine to Hold

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My lips tremble at the corners as Madden flashes a smug grin from behind her. “Vi will be sure to give you a heads-up next time.”

My cousin twists around to glare at her boyfriend before whacking him on the chest. “Keep it up, and there won’t be one.”

Chapter 12


The moment Fallyn steps out of her building, she spots my Mustang idling in the parking lot and momentarily falters. Her eyes narrow before she rips them away and continues walking at a brisker pace.

Just as she’s about to stalk past, I lean over and pop open the passenger side door. “Get in. I’ll give you a ride to work.”

“I don’t need one,” she snaps. “I’m more than capable of walking.”

“Come on, Fallyn,” I cajole. “It’s at least a mile, and your shift starts in twenty minutes. That’s barely enough time to get there.” Then I add the clincher. “You don’t want to be late on your first day, do you?”

She stops and glares, crossing her arms tightly against her chest. “How do you know my schedule?”

“I called and asked Sully.”

Her eyes widen. “And he just gave it to you?”

Even though I know it’ll piss her off, I can’t help the grin that trembles around the corners of my mouth. “Yup. Just one of the perks of knowing the owner.”

“He shouldn’t be giving out my personal information.” Her upper lip curls as her eyes narrow further until they’re slits. “Especially to you.”

“Did you forget that we’re old friends? Of course he gave it to me. I’m the reason he hired you on the spot, after all.”

“Don’t remind me,” she grumbles, gaze drifting over the interior of the vehicle before dropping to my right hand. Emotion flickers across her face as she steps closer to get a better look. “Your car is a stick?”

“Sure is,” I say with a snort. “What would be the point of driving it if it weren’t?”

Her teeth scrape across her lower lip as I carefully study her expression. I have no idea what thoughts are racing through her brain. There used to be a time when it only took a fleeting glance in her direction to know exactly what she was thinking.

That’s no longer the case, and I fucking hate it.

Her private thoughts are now inscrutable.

A long silence follows as her brow furrows and her jaw tightens. “I need a favor.”

From me?

Every muscle goes on high alert. “What exactly do you have in mind?”

Her gaze flickers from my hand to my face. That’s all it takes for electricity to zip through my veins. I’m like a high-strung racehorse straining impatiently against its bit.

“I need you to teach me how to drive a stick shift.”

“Get in the car and we’ll discuss it.”

She steps from one foot to the other, obviously reluctant to get any closer. “Can’t you just give me an answer?”

“Nope. Get in.”

If this is the only way to spend a little time with her, I’ll happily pounce on it. I just want to be close to her. Breathe the same air, if only for five minutes.

“Fine,” she growls with an angry huff, sliding in beside me and slamming the door shut with more force than necessary.

She stares straight ahead as I shift into first and then second, pulling out of the parking lot and into traffic, which is always busy near campus no matter the time.
