Page 9 of Hot Firefighter

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“You wouldn’t hurt me!” he argues, but the tremble in his voice makes his fear obvious. “You’re supposed to save and help people. You’re a good guy. Everyone knows you’re a hero!”

I raise a brow at him. “For her?” I say, cocking my head in Autumn’s direction. “I’d be a villain to protect her any fucking day.”

He goes white, obviously sensing just how serious I am. He nods furiously, sweating and shaking as I glare at him. When he doesn’t make any effort to say sorry to Autumn, I grab him by the collar of his t-shirt and spin, forcing him to stumble with me towards the table. I keep my hold on him, restraining him as Autumn stares at us with wide eyes.

“Apologize. Now.”

“Alright, alright!” the waiter babbles. “I’m sorry. I…I’m sorry, really.”

Autumn blinks, looking between me and the waiter. She licks her lips and swallows thickly. Her voice is a little raspy as she says, “I accept your apology.”

I let him go with a small shove away from the table, then close the distance between Autumn and me, extending my hand to her to help her to her feet. She takes it readily, and I feel a rush of relief knowing that she’s not scared of me despite what just happened.

“Let’s get out of here,” I say gently, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, needing to touch her somehow, to reassure myself that she’s alright.

Then I grab the box with her cake in it and lead her out of there, away from the asshole who dared to get close to what’s mine.



As Aidan leads me out of the cafe, I desperately try to calm the frantic, heavy beating of my heart. He defended me and was ready to fully fight that guy for me in front of everyone. No one has ever cared for me like that before, and it’s playing absolute havoc with my head and heart. Not only is he kind and sweet, but he’s strong and protective too.

Basically, Aidan is perfect in every way.

Am I drooling? I might be drooling.

“Are you okay?” Aidan asks as soon as there’s some distance between us and the cafe. He strokes his thumb over the back of my hand in a comforting gesture that makes me melt even more.

I consider his question. “Yeah, I’m alright,” I say with a shrug. “I mean, it’s not like he did anything except say something creepy. I’ve spoken to him before when I go in to get coffee, but he’s never done anything like that. I’m glad you were there. Thank you…for defending me. For making me feel safe.”

I meet Aidan’s eyes, my breath hitching in my chest. He’s staring at me with such intensity, it’s like his gaze is a physical touch.

“I hope I didn’t upset you or make you uncomfortable,” he says, voice low and gravelly. He reaches for me, cupping my face in his free hand. I lean into his touch eagerly. “I just… God, I don’t know how to explain it. You…you bring out things in me that I’ve never felt before. The idea of anyone hurting you, emotionally or physically, is unacceptable. You are so fucking precious, Autumn. Keeping you safe is a goddamn honor.”

I think I’m actually in love.

“If I scared you with what I said to him, or how I acted, or if I made you more uncomfortable in any way, I promise that was never my intent. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you?—”

Yeah, I definitely am.

“Aidan,” I cut him off softly, smiling up at him. He pauses immediately, waiting for me to speak. I can hear every pound of my heart as blood rushes through my veins. “Does this seem like I’m upset with you?”

And then I kiss him. Pushing up on my tiptoes, I tilt my head, pressing my lips to his, conveying every reassurance I can in the touch, showing him exactly how I feel about his actions.

He groans against my mouth, and I gasp as he moves us, sweeping me off my feet to press my back to the brick of the building we were standing next to. My arms wrap around his neck as he deepens the kiss, sweeping his tongue against mine.

A needy noise slips from my throat as heat like I’ve never experienced before swarms me. I want him in every conceivable way. Suddenly, the layers of clothes between us are my worst enemy. I want his skin against mine. I want to feel him everywhere. To be connected to him in every way possible.

I need it with such surety, I can’t wait any longer.

“Take me back to your place,” I whisper against Aidan’s lips, my voice breathy and tentative. I’ve never done this before. Not any of this. I’ve never really cared about my virginity, never felt as though it was an issue, except for right now.

Right now, I want to shed myself of it, to give it to Aidan, to lose myself in him. Logically, I’m aware that this is a big deal, a huge choice, and yet there’s not a shred of doubt in me. I want it to be Aidan who claims me like that for the first time. For…all the times after too.

Aidan’s shuddering breath ghosts my lips. “Autumn,” he groans, his hands flexing on my waist. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful. But there’s no rush. We don’t have to…do anything more if you don’t want to. I’d never pressure you?—”

“I know,” I say quickly. “I know you wouldn’t. That only makes me want you more.” I press another kiss to his lips, forcing myself to stop so I can speak again. “Stop being such a gentleman, Aidan, and take me home.”
