Page 17 of Hot Firefighter

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What the hell is he doing here, shouting my name? Maybe it’s a coincidence and he just saw me as he was passing through? The sinking feeling in my stomach disagrees entirely. He’s here on purpose. He knows where I live. Wait, how does he know where I live?

“Oh…uh…hi?” I squeak out in reply as he comes closer, close enough for me to smell a mix of coffee and beer on him. My throat closes, feeling like I’ve swallowed a boulder. I look around, but Aidan isn’t here and the street is quiet. We’re alone.

“I love the color blue on you,” he leers, his gaze roving over me in a way that makes it clear he’s imagining what I look like without the dress on. Revulsion makes me shudder. “This dress is even better than the skirt. So sexy.”

Oh. My. God.

“W-what?” I stutter out, fear slicing through me. The texts…the way he spoke to me at the cafe…the person we saw following us on the hike.

He’s been stalking me.

“I knew we were meant to be together when you started coming in for coffees all the time,” the guy slurs. It strikes me that I don’t even know his name, but he knows far too much about me. “You were always so sweet to me, so flirty.”

Flirty? I was just nice! I never once wanted this guy, and I sure as hell don’t now. There’s only one man I want, and I really need him to turn up now.

“I don’t?—”

“But that firefighter is keeping us apart.” He presses forward, getting too close for comfort. I’m frozen to the spot, shocked and scared. He reaches to put his hand on my arm.

“How…how did you get my number?” I manage to say.

“When you ordered your coffee over the phone, of course,” he says, like it’s obvious, like this is something I wanted.

Sure, occasionally if I was in a rush, I ordered ahead of time so I could jump in and collect it but…I never thought my number would be saved for such gross, violating reasons.

“That’s so fucked up!” I burst out, shaking with anger and fear. This man has been following me, texting me, making me feel uncomfortable for too long. It’s gross and horrible and I’m furious. “Get away from me! You’re insane!”

His face hardens, a snarl pulling his lip back from his teeth like a dog about to bite. Oh no no no no?—

“You should be mine!” he snarls, yanking on my arm to force me closer to him. “I’ll make you see it, prove it to you?—”


“Stop fighting me!” he snaps, rearing his free hand back. I brace for the attack, squeezing my eyes shut on instinct, but his hand never makes contact.

His other hand gripping my arm is ripped away and I gasp, stumbling a little, my eyes flying open.

Aidan’s here.

Thank God.



“Come on, kitty, down you get,” I coax gently.

I look from the little tabby cat clinging to a broken branch to the little boy, no older than six, tugging at the hem of his mother’s coat. His big brown eyes stare at me, bottom lip sticking out as he tries to stop the tears brimming in his eyes. Poor kid.

“She’s only a few months old. She shouldn’t be outside yet,” the mother says in a rush, a clear apology in her voice. “Billy left the door open by accident, and she just ran out before we could catch her. I’m so sorry. I know you’re not working, but I recognized you from the station event. You let Billy sit in the driver’s seat of the fire engine. He still talks about it.”

I give her a reassuring nod and smile. I truly love my job, love serving the community and giving back, doing what I can to keep people safe and make their lives happy. Besides, I’ve always loved kids. When Billy ran up to me as I walked in the direction of Autumn’s house, there was no way I was going to ignore him. I hate knowing that I’m late to pick my girl up, but I hope she’ll understand when I explain that I literally had to save a cat stuck up a tree.

“That’s it, there you go,” I say in a soft voice, watching the kitten finally drop down enough for me to reach without the help of a ladder. I move quickly, grabbing the scared animal and cupping her in my hands. I kneel beside Billy, placing the kitten in his outstretched arms. “All better.”

The boy’s eyes light up while he cuddles his pet close. He’s grinning so widely I can see the gap where he’s lost a tooth. “You’re the bestest!” he says, barreling into me for a cuddle. I laugh, patting him on the back, careful not to squish the cat between us. Poor thing’s had enough adventure for one day. “When I grow up, I want to be just like you!”

Goddammit, that’s too cute. I can’t help the image of a little kid, with Autumn’s blond hair and my green eyes, that my mind conjures up. I want that. A family. Withher.
