Page 36 of Bad Boy Romance

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“Once I got chased through a field by a flock of wild turkeys. I had to climb a tree, only to realize that it was home to a nest of white faced hornets.” Shuddering, I cringe. “Spent the next few days in a bath of oatmeal and looking like I got the chicken pox.”

Glancing around, everyone has a mixed look of either disgust our horror on their faces. And Sia, well she just looks empty. There's no smile or frown. Her deadpan stare is fixed on the centerpiece on the table.

I'm bombing here.

I was hoping that if I was just myself that maybe they would warm up to me. A good joke, a funny story, it usually works. Not on these people. These people have no sense of humor or desire to get to know me at all.

“Excuse me,” I say, pushing my chair back and standing up.

With long sweeping steps, I move through the room, and head for the restroom. I don't know what else to do. Playing pretend doesn't sit well with me, and being myself is making everything worse.

This was a big mistake. I should have never come.

It was naive for me to think that this girl was different. I thought I saw something that obviously isn’t there. I'm embarrassing her.

Sex really does turn a man blind.

I didn't see any of this coming.
