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This was it.The feeling. The moment a wolf looks upon their fated mate for the very first time. The earth shifted from underneath me. I immediately felt wild and free on a different level. It was as if I had become connected to this woman who had barely said a word to me yet.

And who hadn’t shaken my hand, despite me standing like an idiot with my hand outstretched. But none of that mattered because as I stared into her eyes, I justknew. Mom was right. It was just one of those instinctive things that just overcame me in a heartbeat. Although I had to admit I was slightly surprised to get this sensation with a human. I guess I had always thought that it would happen with another wolf, because I had grown up seeing wolves mating with one another. But that didn’t mean it was wrong, did it?

Arya, with her beautiful blue eyes that I could tell hid a million and one secrets. All I wanted to do was open up that pandora’s box to see what was inside. I yearned to know absolutely everything about her, so I could finally see who she was.

I’dneverfelt that way about anyone before, that was how I knew that I was circling in a hot air balloon, never to hit the floor again. I had been interested in people in the past and liked to learn more about those I was attracted to, but this was on a whole new level. It was like if I didn’t learn what was going on underneath the surface of Arya, then I would die. Just cease to exist because she was already that important to me.

Did she feel it too? I wasn’t sure that Arya would even know about fated mates since she hadn’t grown up with a wolf upbringing, but she had to feel something, right? This couldn’t be all one-sided. That would be way too hard for me to process.

“So, Brock, what is your job on set then?” Sarah continued, fluttering her eyelashes at me. I could tell that this was nothing more than playful flirting, but I couldn’t even begin to join in with that. My brain was too consumed with Arya.

“I’m security,” I replied lamely, probably making myself look like such an idiot in front of Arya. But I really couldn’t think of anything better to say. “So, my job is keeping you safe.”

“Ooh, well, I better promise that I won’t get into any trouble then,” Sarah giggled. “Or maybe I should get myself in loads of trouble, so you have to come and rescue me.”

She wiggled her eyebrows playfully, but I could hardly even raise a smile.

“So, what’s it like living in such a small town then?” Sarah leaned her elbows on her knees and rested on her hands while she brought her face a little closer to me. If this was any other situation, then I would have been over the moon about a flirtation with a movie star.

But this wasn’t any normal situation. Not when the woman that I was pretty sure I was destined to be with was standing right in front of me. I was so convinced that me and Arya were destined to be that I couldn’t even think about all the impracticalities here. It didn’t matter that she didn’t live or work in Rockport with me, or that we’d hardly even exchanged a word with one another. I was simply sure that she felt exactly the same way as me, and that she was going to want this just as much as I did. I mean, how could she not?

“It’s fine,” I replied with a little shrug. “I don’t know, it’s just one of those things, isn’t it?”

“What’s that?” Sarah asked me, like I’d actually said something fascinating rather than words that didn’t really have any sort of meaning. I definitely wasn’t making the best impression on my fated mate, was I? I was definitely going to cringe over this later on.

“Well, you get used to where you live, don’t you? The pros and cons. I like it here; it has been good for me, but it’s very different from how I lived before…”

The weapon, they used to call me when I was in the military. And not just because I was the weapons expert of the group, but because some of them considered me their biggest weapon. The fact that I would shoot first and ask questions later was always a joke among my friends. It was a little hard exchanging war zones and dangerous countries for somewhere small like this…but I was doing my best to make the most of it. I was trying to stop myself from looking over my shoulder all the time, because I wasn’t in permanent danger anymore.

“Brock?” All of a sudden, Mickey’s voice in my ear reminded me what I was really here for, and it wasn’t to chat up Sarah, and it certainly wasn’t to stare at Arya. If we really were meant to be, then that would happen. I didn’t need to watch her like a hawk. If she was going to end up in my life, then that was where she would be no matter what happened now. “Brock, can you hear me? I need to speak with you immediately. We have a situation at headquarters.”

“Sure. I’m on my way now,” I muttered back before focusing on Sarah once more. “Right, well, unfortunately, I’m needed at the moment. But I’m sure my boss will be along to introduce himself to you soon enough. Then you can ask any questions you have.”

I watched Sarah and Arya exchange a look. There was no way of telling what that meant, and I probably wasn’t supposed to know anyway. So I waved my goodbyes to them and walked off, trying to make sure that my feet hit the ground with every single step. I didn’t want to trip over just because my head was all up in the clouds for Arya…

How the hell was I going to tell the guys about this? Like me, they knew about fated mates, but I didn’t get the impression that they were as in tune with their animals like I was. They didn’t give themselves over to their wolf as much as I did. I was always telling them that was something they might go on to regret, but none of them wanted to hear it.

Now I was going to have to explain that I justknew. With one little look, I knew that me and her were meant to be. They probably thought it was a feeling that grew on you, but I knew better. I didn’t even need to hear her speak. I was aware instantly. She almost shifted the blood flow in my body completely, that was how sure I was of our connection.

There was almost a skip in my step because knowing was powerful. I didn’t know quite what I was going to do with these overwhelming feelings as yet but that didn’t matter.

I bypassed a lot of crazy activity as I headed to headquarters to find Mickey who was taking charge of the security cameras. I had to admit, it was kinda exciting to be part of something so massive. I wasn’t quite sure how to take the fact thatRevivewas going to be filmed in our small town, completely taking over for a while, and I was even less certain when Spike told us that this was going to be our next job. But seeing Arya had ripped away all that uncertainty.

It was meant to be. Finally me and my fated mate were in the same place at the same time…

Mickey wasn’t alone in the headquarters office. I immediately spotted Liam beside him, staring at the security screen that was trained on Sarah and Arya. Had he seen our exchange? Did he know what it meant when he saw me and Arya together? I wasn’t planning on saying anything immediately until I had everything fully worked out myself, but if he already sensed it, then I guess we would have to talk it through…

But it seemed like Mickey’s concentration wasn’t on the screen. His head appeared to be elsewhere completely. In his phone actually, which wasn’t like Mickey.

“Yo, what’s going on?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. “You good?”

Mickey muttered something under his breath before finally dragging his eyes off the screen to meet mine. “Oh, Brock, you’re here, good. I think we have something to worry about. Something that I have been concerned about all morning actually.”

“Oh yeah?” It wasn’t easy for me to take my eyes off the screen because Liam was really zoned in on Arya and Sarah, and it had my heart racing a little bit faster.

“Yeah, social media is abuzz with messages aboutRevivebeing filmed in Rockport…”

“Well, we already knew that that was going to happen, though, didn’t we? We knew that the location wouldn’t be kept a secret for long. You can’t with this sort of movie. It’s massive.”

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