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My reaction snapped the rest of the guys out of their shock, and they jumped up to hug us too. The fated mates bond locked us in a little bubble where it was just us. The rest of the world simply melted away into nothingness because no one else mattered. This wasn’t a goodbye. This was a hello to the most amazing news I could ever have had.

I didn’t realize that I was the one now crying because it seemed like we were all locked away in the same bubble of excitement. A place for only us.

I liked that we were at the bar to celebrate because it was awesome to have a drink and to party this news away, but I also wanted to be back at home where we could celebrate alone. That was my favorite thing in the world, to be alone with Arya and the rest of the pack.

“Should we get out of here?” Brock asked as we pulled back from one another. “I know this is fun, but I want to go home. I just want it to be us.”

Thank God Brock was the one to suggest it. He seemed to read my mind. Either that or he felt it too. Arya eagerly agreed, and everyone else followed. We finished up our drinks before we headed back to our place to celebrate this properly.

Arya had just made me feel good before, but I was already in flames, wondering how we were really going to celebrate this when we got back. I had a freaking good idea, and I desperately couldn’t wait. Arya slipped her hand into mine, sensing that I needed it.

“I love you,” I repeated because I just couldn’t get enough of saying it.

“Yeah, and I love you too,” Arya agreed. “Our baby too. Can you believe it? I still can’t quite get used to the idea.”

“Me neither. But I’m very excited.”

As her hand rested on her belly, she lit up happily. I could already see that she was going to be the most incredible mother ever. I could see it. If I closed my eyes, I could see our future. Her with a baby, and maybe some more children as well, as we bloomed into a gorgeous little family in Rockport, Massachusetts. The best family ever.

It might not be the glamorous LA Hollywood life that she had experienced before, but it seemed like Arya was ready for a change. Ready to try a different pace of life, a slower pace with a family. I was going to do whatever I could to make sure that she enjoyed every moment of it. The future was looking amazing for all of us.


One year later…

“I can’t believehow goodRevivewas,” I called out excitedly as we sat in the backyard for our evening cookout. We didn’t go to LA for the official red carpet premier event because we had too much in Rockport, making us want to stay home…namely, the little bundle of joy in my arms. We didn’t want to travel with a young baby. “I’m so glad that we got sent a copy to watch at home because that was so much fun. Everyone was really good in it, and the plot was amazing. I bet they will do a lot more films in the series.”

Sarah was especially amazing, and I had called her halfway through to let her know as much. She took the time to ask me back to work with her, which she always jokingly did because she couldn’t find another assistant as good as me. But mostly, it was just good to talk to her again. I had to admit that I missed her a lot.

But that didn’t mean I would change the life that I had now for anything in the world. Being here in Rockport with my family was the best thing to ever happen to me. I loved it. Every moment was a dream come true. Sometimes the guys thought that I might miss what I used to have, but this was wonderful. Ilovedsmall-town life.

As I glanced around the yard to see my family, my sentiment was confirmed. Spike was flipping burgers as Brock tried to yell out unwarranted cooking advice to him. Liam and Mickey were kicking around a football and talking about whose turn it was to change the next diaper.

I couldn’t stop myself from grinning. The guys were so helpful with our baby girl, Katie. They couldn’t get enough of looking after our child. I barely had to do anything. Sometimes I even had to tell them all to back off sometimes so I could bond with Katie. It was funny, really. When I used to envision being a parent, I kinda thought that I would be doing things by myself. I didn’t even think about a guy beside me. But now I had four of them, and they were all wonderful. They couldn’t do enough for us every single day.

“Isn’t this lovely, Katie?” I murmured to my baby as I rocked back and forth in the chair. “What a beautiful day. In such a lovely town.”

My daughter would likely never really know that I had a life before Rockport. I could hardly remember it myself. It seemed like I had always been here. I had always been in this quaint cottage in this amazing place. What once was foreign to me was now my home.

“Ooh, I think Spike might have finished cooking us up some food in a minute. Good job. I don’t know about you, but I am absolutely starving.”

She gurgled, but mostly because she was basically napping in my arms and not worrying about anything else. At only a few months old, she really didn’t have to panic about anything other than eating and sleeping, so I couldn’t blame her. I might have had a nap in my chair as well if I weren’t so hungry and keenly waiting for burgers.

Spike seemed to sense my eyes upon him, and he turned to give me one of those award-winning grins of his. My heart fluttered, just like it did the moment I first spotted him across the bar. Of course, back then, he was only a handsome stranger, and I had Carrie in my ear telling me to go for it, to have one magical night of fun with him.

And we did. It was insane. I knew then that I was never going to be the same again. A sexual experience like that overwhelmed me and ruined other man for me. I knew that no one else would make me feel like Spike did…

Or so I thought. Then there was the always sexy Brock, who swept me off my feet with the intensity with which he would always look at me like I was a goddess, making me feel special with his eyes alone. I couldn’t resist him and his powerful seduction. Kissing Brock made me think that only the wolves knew what to do with me, and could make me feel phenomenal. I thought that there was something in their magic that was hot as hell.

Ooh, it was Mickey next, wasn’t it? We touched one another, and his whole body set alight. I knew then that there was something more. I realized that Sarah was right when she talked to me about fated mates. Only it hit me at that moment. I needed all of these guys…

Well, aside from Liam. Because back then, I was still under the very wrong impression that Liam didn’t like me. I didn’t know that he was simply shy and unable to vocalize his feelings for me. The disaster with the bomb changed that. There was something about our lives being on the line that made him come out of his shell.

Sometimes it still amazed me how we all ended up coming together. There were days when it all seemed so normal that I forgot how wild our little journey was to getting together. It was such a roller coaster, and everything felt like life and death at the time, even before the bomb.

“Here we go.” Spike handed me a burger before he took food around to everyone else. There was something shining in his eyes that had me sitting up a little straighter. He only got that look in his eyes when there was something going on. What was happening?

“Spike, are you good?” I called out as he headed back towards me. He didn’t say anything, but the way that he raised his eyebrows had me immediately suspicious. “What’s happening? Why do I feel like something is going…?”
