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“Oh fucking hell, Arya, you have no idea how good that feels.”

We continued to touch one another, each of us driving closer to the edge with every passing second. Being explored by Liam felt nothing like being explored by Spike. It was sensual and gentle, but sexy as hell too. I wanted everything from this man…

I let out a little squeal of shock as Liam lifted me up in the air and lay me down on the floor before him. Before I could even catch my breath, much less work out what he was doing, he had started kissing down my body, parting my thighs further until I could feel hot streams of air blowing along my core, sending intense shivers down my spine.

Without needing another touch, he exploded…

It was lucky that Liam had hold of my hips as his lips softly kissed my clit. I might have bucked and writhed away from him otherwise because the sensation was too damn much for me. I couldn’t contain myself because his tongue was absolutelyeverything.

As soon as he realized the intensity of the effect that he was having on me, Liam became a mad man on a mission. His tongue absolutely devoured me, every stroke was designed to coax an orgasm from me, and I was unable to resist. The temptation was just too much for me.

He alternated between plunging his tongue deep inside of me and massaging me intensely, and circling it over my clit until I knew for sure that I was out of control.

“Fuck, Liam, that feels…” I cried out, trying my hardest not to lose myself completely. “That feels…it’s too…too much…”

The tsunami of pleasure smacked into me, shooting me far away from the planet. I might as well have been soaring in space because I was seeing so many stars. Fucking hell, I was screaming so loudly that I might as well have shaken the whole building, the entire movie set.

Even if this was disturbing the drama unfolding outside this little headquarters room, I couldn’t stop. Neither of us could. We needed one another. I pushed myself up into a sitting position to hold onto Liam as I swam in the glorious post-orgasmic bliss. I missed having him between my fingers, I really liked the feel of him…

But I guess Liam was right on the edge as well, because it didn’t take long for him to explode. He clung to me, crying out my name over and over again, like he really couldn’t get enough of me. This was evidence. Proof right here and now that I was in endless trouble. Trouble with all these men, because I really did need them all.

I leaned my head on Liam’s chest, unable to vocalize what I felt, which was probably for the best. We’d only just overstepped the boundary of his shyness and me not knowing what his deal was. Much as I was sure that he would give me the best advice, I didn’t think that here and now was the best time for it.

The time would come. It had to come. I would just have to wait for it.

“Oh my God.” Liam’s shocked voice suddenly burst right through the haze of pleasure that I was sinking in. “Look, there’s Spike with Victor.”

Spike…Victor…as soon as those words exploded in my head, I jumped to my feet. I barely even realized that my panties were shredded until they fell off my body. Not that it mattered. It wasn’t like I needed them now, I had to know what was going on instead.

“Oh fuck, look, that looks like a showdown.” I gulped noisily, because this had just gone from amazing, to utterly fucking terrifying. “What is going to happen?”

Liam turned up the volume so we could hear what was being said, or snippets of it anyway. It seemed like Spike was trying to rile Victor up rather than calm him down, but what did I know? As long as no one got hurt, that was all that mattered.

“What do we do?” I cried out in shock as Spike and Victor shifted and started to fight. “Come on, Liam we have to go and help him. We can’t just sit…”

But it didn’t seem to matter how hard I tugged on him. He wasn’t going anywhere. I stared at him in horror, forcing him to explain. “We can’t go. Spike told us to stay here.”

“But Spike is in danger. You can see that, right? We have to go.”

“Brock is there.” Liam pointed to the screen where I could see him hiding out of sight. Somehow Victor hadn’t noticed his rival sneaking in. That didn’t make me feel any better though, because that just put more of the men in danger. “He will step in if anything gets out of hand. Trust me when I say that Spike always has a plan. We just have to be patient and wait to follow it.”

I didn’t like that. I didn’t like it one bit. But I suppose I was going to have to follow the rules because if I messed everything up, then I would never be able to forgive myself.

“Robert!” I gasped as I spotted a new face coming into view. “What the hell is he doing there? Now he’s going to be the one who messes it all up.”

Me and Liam were on edge as we watched Victor move in his wolf form over to Robert. There was something tantalizing about the way that he was moving, like he wanted to taunt and tease Robert, like an animal taunting his food.

Robert started blathering on about money and ‘the right thing’. I couldn’t work out exactly what was being said, but it was enough to have my teeth gritted together. I got that this was what we had been told to do, but it felt really shitty to just sit here and watch as things unfolded. My heart had stopped beating. My chest hurt because of the tight knot constricted in there. I couldn’t breathe however hard I tried. This was like watching a horror movie and waiting for the jump scare to happen, only it was real life and there was actual danger unfolding.

“Liam, what are we going to do?” I whispered fearfully, all the good feelings of what happened before ebbing away from the both of us. Liam didn’t answer me but he did reach out to hold my hand. I laced my fingers through his and squeezed tight. I was grateful that at least I had him to hold on to as we watched this nightmare come to life.

He didn’t know what we were going to do, nor did I. It really looked like Victor was about to leap on Robert, and I thought I was going to have to witness a murder. I didn’t want to see it unfold, but if this shit was ever going to get reported to the cops so we could put Victor where he belonged, then every detail needed to be carefully witnessed.

“He’s a part of this,” Liam whispered carefully. “Oh my God, Robert has been dragged into this as well. I knew it, but hearing it is even more fucked up than I thought.”

I let out a little whimper as it seemed like it was over and Victor was finally ready to attack, but something halted right at the very last moment. Robert struck his hand in the air, which seemed to make everything freeze. No movement came from anyone. It was like we were all stuck in time, just waiting impatiently for something to happen.

“Oh fuck,” Liam cried out as he realized what was going on. I was glad he knew because I didn’t have a God damn clue. “That’s the bomb detonator. Robert is threatening to blow this place up. What the hell are we going to do now?”
