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Karl crossed his muscular arms over his chest, his blue eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I don’t like it either,” he admitted gruffly. “She’s caused harm before, and we’re just supposed to trust her now?”

“Look, I understand your concerns,” Fiona said, her tone soothing yet firm. “But we need her help, and I believe she wants to make amends.”

As Clarissa floated closer, Bella couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe despite her reservations. The ghost’s mere presence seemed to defy the laws of nature, and Bella found herself questioning everything she thought she knew about the world.

“Fine,” Bella conceded, her voice tense. “But if she tries anything—”

“Then we’ll handle it,” Fiona interjected, her gaze meeting Clarissa’s with unwavering determination.

“Isn’t it touching how protective you all are?” Clarissa said with a sardonic smile, her eyes flicking from one uneasy face to the next. “Rest assured, I have no intention of causing harm, at least not to any of you. Not today anyway.”

“Prove it,” Karl challenged his voice hard as steel.

“Karl,” Fiona warned, placing a gentle hand on his arm in a silent plea for restraint.

“Very well,” Clarissa sighed, her voice tinged with annoyance. “I suppose trust must be earned.”

Fiona watched as Clarissa’s ghostly form hovered above the floor, her raven-black hair cascading down her back like a shadowy waterfall. The air in the bookstore seemed to grow colder, and Fiona shivered involuntarily, feeling the weight of her friends’ doubts pressing down on her.

“Look,” Layla said, crossing her arms and eyeing the ghost warily, “I’m not saying I don’t believe you, Fiona. But trusting a ghost—especially one with Clarissa’s history—is hard to wrap my head around.”

“Same here,” Jake chimed in, his voice uneasy. “I mean, we’ve all heard the stories about what she’s done in the past. How do we know she’s not just playing us?”

“Exactly!” Bella exclaimed, nodding vigorously at Jake’s words. “We can’t just blindly trust her because she says she wants to help. What if she has ulterior motives?”

Fiona took a deep breath and met each of their gazes, her chestnut eyes filled with conviction. “I understand where you’re coming from, truly. But I’ve spent more time with Clarissa than any of you, and I’ve seen a side of her that you haven’t. She’s not just a malevolent spirit—she’s a lost soul who made mistakes when she was alive. And now, she’s trying to make amends.”

The group exchanged skeptical glances, but Fiona pressed on. “Clarissa has knowledge we don’t have access to—information that could be crucial in solving these kidnappings. We need her help if we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

“All right, Fiona,” Karl finally conceded, his expression still guarded, “I’ll give her a chance. But like Bella said, if she tries anything...”

“Then we’ll deal with it,” Fiona replied firmly, her gaze never leaving Clarissa. “But for now, let’s focus on what we can do to help the victims and bring their kidnappers to justice.”

Silently, the group nodded in agreement while still wearing their apprehensions like protective armor. They knew they had to trust Fiona’s instincts, but the lingering doubts continued to gnaw at them.

As they gathered around the table, poring over maps and case files, Fiona couldn’t help but feel both relieved and anxious. She knew that working with Clarissa was a gamble, but she also believed it was their best chance at solving the mystery that haunted their small Texas town.

With each passing moment, the weight of responsibility seemed to grow heavier on Fiona’s shoulders. But as she looked at her friends—their determination and unity shining through their uncertainty—she couldn’t help but feel a spark of hope.

“Let’s get to work,” she whispered, her voice steady and unwavering, even as the shadows of doubt lingered in the air.

“Clarissa may have made mistakes in the past, but haven’t we all?” Fiona implored, looking around the room, searching for understanding in the faces of her friends. “Her actions were driven by her pain, and she has grown since then. I believe that if we work together, we can not only help Clarissa heal but also save the missing people from a terrible fate.”

The room remained silent for a moment as Bella, Karl, Layla, and Jake absorbed Fiona’s words, their expressions gradually softening. Fiona could see the gears turning in their minds, weighing the risks and potential rewards of collaborating with Clarissa.

“All right,” Bella finally spoke up, her voice cautious but determined. “I trust you, Fiona. If you believe that working with Clarissa can help us solve this case, I’m willing to give it a try.”

“Me too,” Layla chimed in, her adventurous nature shining through. Jake nodded in agreement; his eyes filled with resolve.

Karl hesitated for a moment longer before sighing in resignation. “If we’re all in this together, I’ll give her a chance as well,” he conceded, though his concern remained etched on his face.

“Thank you,” Fiona whispered, her heart swelling with gratitude and determination

“Clarissa suggested we meet at the old Harrington estate tonight,” Fiona explained, pointing at a spot on the map marked by an X. “It’s where she’s most powerful, and she believes it’s the key to understanding what’s been happening in our town.”

“Great, back to that haunted house,” Jake muttered, rolling his eyes. “Just what we need.”

“Hey, we’re dealing with ghosts and kidnappings here,” Layla chimed in, her adventurous spirit shining through. “Might as well go all in, right?”
