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“Stay focused,” she reminded herself, taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart. “We can do this. We have to.”

As the battle raged on, Bella could only hope that their efforts would be enough to defeat the malevolent spirit before them. With each clash of supernatural forces, the fate of Coach and the kidnapped women hung in the balance, their lives resting in the hands of Bella and her friends.

The grand ballroom reverberated with the clash of supernatural forces, a cacophony that threatened to shake the decaying mansion to its very foundations. Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes narrowing as she channeled her lunar power into a swirling vortex of energy aimed at Clarissa.

“Take this!” she shouted, flinging the shimmering orb toward the malevolent ghost.

“Pathetic,” Clarissa sneered, raising a hand to effortlessly deflect Bella’s attack. The vortex dissipated into a wisp of silvery mist, leaving no trace of its once formidable power. Bella’s heart sank, the weight of defeat settling in her chest.

“Guys, we’re not making any progress here,” she called out to her team, her voice tense with frustration. They exchanged worried glances, their own attacks proving just as futile against Clarissa’s powerful defenses.

“Maybe we should fall back and regroup,” suggested Max, his expression grim. “We’re just wasting our energy right now.”

“Agreed,” Layla chimed in, wiping sweat from her brow. “We need a better plan.”

As if sensing their faltering resolve, Clarissa’s laughter echoed through the ballroom, chilling them to the bone. “Run away, little mice. It won’t save you in the end.”

“Enough!” Bella snapped, her green eyes blazing with determination. “We’ll be back, Clarissa. And next time, we’ll be ready for you.”

With a collective nod, they retreated from the grand ballroom, their footsteps echoing ominously against the decaying walls. As they navigated the dimly lit corridors, Bella couldn’t help but feel a gnawing sense of dread. What if they couldn’t find a way to overcome Clarissa’s powers? What would happen to Coach and the kidnapped women?

“Stay positive,” she told herself, her thoughts churning as they made their way through the haunted mansion. “We’ve faced worse before. We can do this.”

Bella knew that they couldn’t afford to waste any time. They needed to regroup, devise a new plan, and strike back with everything they had. For Coach, for the kidnapped women, and for the countless lives that hung in the balance.

“All right, team,” she said once they’d reached a small room that offered a brief respite from the mansion’s oppressive atmosphere. “Let’s figure out how to beat this thing once and for all.”

Chapter Fourteen

The small study withinthe mansion felt like a safe haven, its walls lined with dusty, leather-bound books that seemed to whisper forgotten tales of love and loss. A single, flickering candle cast dancing shadows across the determined faces of Bella and her team as they huddled together around a heavy oak table.

“All right,” Bella said, her voice firm despite the weariness that weighed upon her shoulders. “We need a new approach. Clearly, our powers alone aren’t enough to defeat Clarissa.”

“Maybe we missed something when we researched her?” suggested Karl, his brow furrowed in deep thought. “There might be some kind of vulnerability we can exploit?”

“Or perhaps we just need more firepower,” added Layla, her frustration evident as she clenched her fists tightly.
