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“Ready,” Jake confirmed, his hand gripping the handle of his fire ax. Layla nodded, her blonde curls blowing across her face as she clenched her jaw in determination.

“Stay sharp,” Karl said, his steely blue eyes scanning the area for any sign of danger. “We don’t know what they’re capable of.”

“Or who they really are,” Fiona added, her brown eyes wide with concern.

“Exactly,” Max agreed, adjusting his grip on the pistol at his side.

“Let’s just make sure no one gets hurt,” Bella murmured, her gaze flicking between each member of the team, her thoughts clearly with their safety.

Karl could feel the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders like a heavy cloak. As a former marine, he was used to facing danger head-on, but this was different. This time, it was personal.

“Remember, we need them alive,” Max reminded them, his eyes narrowing as they inched closer to the secluded meeting spot. “We need answers.”

“Got it,” Karl muttered, flexing his fingers around the grip of his own weapon.

“Look,” Layla hissed, pointing toward a shadowy figure emerging from a copse of trees.

“Stay low,” Max ordered, crouching behind a nearby bush. The team followed suit, their hearts racing as the seconds ticked by.

“Three... two... one...” Max counted down silently, his fingers tightening around the trigger.

“Now!” he shouted, and the team surged forward, their determination to end this nightmare fueling their every step. The traitor and kidnapper had nowhere to run, the circle of justice closing in on them like a noose.

“Drop your weapon!” Karl barked. The team’s resolve was unwavering, knowing that failure was not an option. Their mission had become more perilous than ever, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

The traitor and kidnapper had their hands up, a look of shock etched on their faces.

“What is the meaning of this?” the traitor demanded, his voice shaking with fear.

“We have evidence of your involvement in the kidnappings,” Max said, his voice firm and unwavering. “We’re taking you in for questioning.”

The kidnapper sneered, her eyes darting between each member of the team. “You have nothing on me.”

Bella stepped forward, her lunar powers pulsing within her. “We witnessed your meeting with the diner owner,” she said, her voice calm but resolute. “We have proof.”

The traitor’s face paled, his eyes darting to the kidnapper. “We need to talk,” he muttered, his resolve faltering.

Karl stepped forward, his weapon still trained on the pair. “Let’s go,” he said, his voice brooking no argument.

As they escorted the traitor and kidnapper back to Fiona and Max’s house, the team was silent, the only sound the crunching of gravel under their feet. Bella’s mind was racing with thoughts of what they might uncover during the interrogation, and she gripped her silver pendant tightly, drawing strength from its power.

Once they arrived at his house, Max led the interrogation, his questions sharp and unrelenting. The traitor and kidnapper tried to play coy, but the evidence against them was overwhelming. Piece by piece, their story began to unravel, unveiling a web of deceit and betrayal that went deeper than anyone had suspected.

“They promised us money,” the traitor finally blurted out, his voice trembling with fear. “We didn’t know what we were getting into.”

The kidnapper glared at him, her expression filled with resentment. “Don’t listen to him,” she spat. “He’s the one who started all of this.”

Despite their attempts to point fingers at each other, the truth was clear—they were both guilty. And as the interrogation continued, it became clear that they were not acting alone.

“We need to find out who’s behind this,” Max said, his voice grave. “We can’t let anyone else get hurt.”
