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“Maybe it means that their connection needs to be broken,” suggested Bella, her eyes reflecting the pale glow of the moon outside.

As Layla stared into the haunted depths of Charles and Clarissa’s eyes, the vision unfolded within her mind like a dark tapestry, revealing hidden layers of pain and remorse.

“Clarissa...she regrets what she did,” Layla murmured, her voice cracking with emotion. “She didn’t know...she couldn’t see the truth...”

“Truth?” Fiona questioned, her own ghostly senses on edge. “What truth?”

“Her sister,” Layla whispered, tears prickling at the corners of her eyes. “Clarissa’s identical twin sister who went missing before the other women were lost. I think she thought Charles was betraying her with her sister, but he wasn’t. He loved her, only her.”

“Then why did she kill those innocent women?” Max asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

“Blinded by jealousy, I think,” Layla replied. “And fear. Fear of losing him to another. She let the darkness take root in her heart, and it consumed her. After she’d killed her sister for him, he actually started having affairs.”

“Then, if she regrets it now, there might be a way to release them from this curse,” Bella said, her eyes shining with hope.

“Maybe,” Layla agreed, determination flaring within her. “But first, we need to find out more about Rebecca—the missing piece in this twisted tale.”

As they stood together in the dimly lit room, united by their shared purpose, they knew that the road ahead would not be easy. But for the sake of those lost souls and the peace they so desperately sought, they were willing to face whatever darkness lay ahead. And in the midst of the shadows, the winds continued to whisper —the echoes of a love story long forgotten, but never lost.

“Seems old,” Jake observed, his eyes narrowing as he took in the delicate craftsmanship. “Do you think it belonged to Clarissa?”

“Only one way to find out,” Layla replied, her heart pounding as she carefully pried open the locket. Inside lay two tiny, faded portrait of a beautiful woman—her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and regret.

“It’s either two photos of Clarissa, or one of each of the twins.” Layla breathed, feeling a sudden surge of empathy for the woman whose jealousy had driven her to such terrible acts. “She must have kept this close to her heart.”

“Even after everything she did?” Jake asked, his voice betraying a mix of disbelief and sadness.

“Sometimes love isn’t enough to keep the darkness at bay,” Layla murmured, her gaze still fixed on the portrait.

As the wind picked up outside, its mournful song weaving through the cracks in the walls, Layla felt a sudden chill envelop her. Her surroundings faded away, replaced by a vision of Clarissa standing alone in the moonlit garden, the locket clutched tightly in her hand.

“Forgive me, sister,” Clarissa sobbed, her tears falling like raindrops onto the cold earth below. “I never meant for it to go this far.”

“Clarissa’s remorse,” Layla whispered, feeling the weight of the woman’s grief as if it were her own. “She regretted what she did, Jake. She truly did.”

“Then maybe there’s hope for her yet,” Jake said softly, his strong arms wrapping around Layla as the vision faded, leaving them once more in the crumbling remains of the old house. “And for us, too.”

In that moment, as they stood together amidst the shadows of the past, Layla knew that their journey was far from over.

Later, at Fiona’s house, Layla and Fiona sat together on the soft, well-worn couch. A steaming cup of tea rested on a small table between them, the scent of lavender mingling with the comforting aroma of freshly baked cookies.

“How excited are you about the baby?” Layla asked, her eyes shining with happiness for her friend. “You’ll make an amazing mother.”

“Thank you.” Fiona placed a hand gently on her still-flat stomach, her expression glowing with love. “Max and I are over the moon. It’s like our little miracle after everything we went through to banish the entity.”

As they shared in the joy of the moment, Layla couldn’t help but think about the vision she’d had at Harrington Manor. The locket, Clarissa’s tears, and the whispered words that tugged at her heartstrings: “Forgive me, sister.”

As they sat alone together, Layla explained what she’d seen in her last vision of Clarissa. “I think it has something to do with all the murders we’ve found.”

“An identical twin.” Fiona’s brow furrowed, concern etching itself into her features. “That’s another layer to this tragedy. Do you think she had something to do with the murders?”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Layla replied, her thoughts racing as she tried to piece together the fragments of Clarissa’s broken life. “But I do know that Clarissa’s grief for her sister was genuine. She wanted to make things right.”

“Then let’s help her,” Fiona declared, determination sparking in her emerald eyes. “Let’s find out what happened to her sister and see if we can set their spirits free.”

“Are you sure you’re up for this? With the baby on the way...” Layla hesitated, concern for her friend’s well-being making her question their next steps.

“Max and I have faced ghosts before, and we’ve come out stronger because of it,” Fiona replied with a confident smile. “Besides, when our little one arrives, I want to be able to tell them that their parents helped mend broken hearts and heal old wounds.”

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