Page 54 of Savage King

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“I don’t know, maybe.” I wave a nonchalant hand, but even I don’t buy it.

“Spill, Rose. Please!” She grabs my hands and squeezes, excitement flaring to life in her eyes. “I could use a fun distraction in my life. Please, let me live vicariously through you!”

I lean in close and drop my voice to a whisper. “Nothing. Happened.”

Maisy kicks her head back and laughs. “You’re a horrible tease. And a terrible liar.” The door opens again as one of the spin instructors enters, and I catch Dante’s murderous glare over the guy’s shoulder.

Maisy must too because she spins back to me, shaking her head. “That does not look like the face of a man with whom nothing happened.”

“You’re right.” I smirk. “If something had happened, he wouldn’t be able to wipe the grin off his face.” Stuffing the rest of the PB&J in my mouth, I crumple up the paper bag and toss it into the trash. I can’t avoid Dante forever, and I have a feeling the longer I make him wait, the worse his wrath.

Maisy cackles again. “I just hope you know what you’re doing. I’ve heard stories about that man….” Her smile melts away, twisting into a frown.

“He’s all bark and no bite, trust me.” I squeeze her shoulder as I rise. “But I appreciate you looking out for me. With Stella gone, it’s nice to have a friend.”

“Same! We should definitely have another sleepover soon.”

“Absolutely.” The word comes out forced because the truth is I probably shouldn’t with my stalker still on the loose. The last thing I want to do is put Maisy in danger. If I wasn’t so embarrassed about my stupid decision of dating a patient, I’d admit the truth to my new friend. Maybe one day I’d work up the courage.

I consider how I’d frame the idiotic mistake as I march over to my locker to grab my bag and mentally prepare to face the devil outside the door. I’m not sure how much longer I can fight him. Worse, I’m not sure I want to anymore. I type my code into the keypad and the metal door clicks open. A single, withered yellow rose stares up at me.




Rose’s scream sends my heart raging against my ribs. I barrel through the employee lounge door, crimson tainting my vision. Scanning the room, I find her in seconds, standing frozen in front of her locker. Her shoulders are trembling, her arms pulled tight across her body.

Something squeezes the remaining air from my lungs.

I push past some redhead making her way toward Rose and jerk her into my chest. “What the hell happened?” I roar, an instant before my gaze settles on the yellow rose perched atop her tote bag. “Fuck.”

A few of the other instructors and staff litter the room, curious gazes lancing in our direction. “Everyone get the hell out,” I bark.

Footsteps quicken toward the exit, and I turn my attention back to Rose. She buries her nose in my shirt, her chest heaving against mine.Cazzo. How the hell did this prick make it past Tony? Hell, past me? “Shh, I got you, Rosa,” I whisper in her ear.

“He’s never going to stop,” she murmurs into my shirt.

Raw fury races through my veins, and I curl my fingernails into my palms as I hold Rose tight against me. “You’re wrong, sweetheart. A dead man can’t do shit.”

“Are you okay?” The redhead appears beside her, and I finally recognize the woman. It’s her friend, Maisy, the one whose house I allowed her to sleep in after a thorough background check. Her ex-husband was an abusive asshole, but he’s out of the picture thanks to a restraining order. The fact that the girl didn’t obey my command to leave the lounge is irritating as all hell, but I bite down on the annoyance for Rose’s sake.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” She tries to step out from my hold, but I only tighten my arm around her waist.Dio, for a terrible second, I thought I’d find Mark or worse, Feng, with a knife to her throat. The image had sent ice through my veins, stalling out my fucking heart.

“Is that a rose?” Maisy peers into Rose’s locker, her brows furrowed.

Rose huffs out a breath, and her body finally relaxes against mine. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you. My ex is being super creepy and sending me weird shit.”

“Oh, sweety, I’m so sorry.” Maisy reaches for her, and I’m filled with the most insane urge to tug Rose out of her grasp. As the woman’s hand closes around Rose’s shoulder, I shove the monster down to my darkest depths. She’s not going to hurt her, youcoglione. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No,” I bark. “I’ve got her.”

Maisy’s eyes lift to mine, and a glint of distrust scrunches her freckled nose. She leans in close to her friend. “I’m serious, if you need anything I’m here for you, okay?”

Rose nods and offers her a tight smile. “Thanks, Maisy, I really do appreciate it.”

The redhead gives me another once over before turning toward the door. I should be grateful she has a friend here, but all I feel is insulted that the woman thinks I can’t handle this. Rose is mine.

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