Page 68 of Falling Shadows

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As I expect, she plants her hands on either side of my face like I’m still a small boy and smiles at me lovingly. “Okay, but can I also schedule one of these meet-ups with you too? Hopefully your father will be home by then. It feels like forever and the Gauntlet was a complete surprise to everyone so I want to make the most of seeing you in the flesh.” She gives me her best pout and puppy dog eyes and I nod. It was never even a question. “I would love it if the boys came too. Raven, you as well.”

My mother’s gaze turns to Raven, who stiffens at my side. Her jaw goes slack as she stares helplessly at my mother. “I-I…uhm…”

“I insist. Once I’m done speaking to this old fool, I’m going to hunt Evangeline down. It’s been forever since I’ve seen you both. Gosh, you were such a sweet little girl and now a beautiful young woman.”

Raven’s eyes widen, unsure how to handle all of the compliments being directed toward her, and I grin.

“Mama, don’t overwhelm her.” I clutch Raven’s hand tighter, stroking her fingers with my thumb.

“Thank you,” she finally breathes, and my mother takes that as a cue to hug her.

I still keep hold of her hand as my mother embraces her. She doesn’t overdo it, thankfully, and quickly releases her.

“I’ll see you soon, but make sure you send those boys over to me to say goodbye as well.” She gives me a pointed look and I salute her, which earns me an eye roll.

“Evangeline…Raven…As in Raven Hendrix?” Zane’s father chimes in as we’re just about to leave, halting us.

“Yes, Sir,” Raven replies, standing taller, as if preparing for some kind of attack.

His eyes crinkle as he takes her in. I can’t read his facial expression as he does so, but I don’t get a chance anyway before my eyes slam shut.

Pink-feathered raven.

Black and white chess set.

A storm.

Everything shakes with the chaos, but only one piece falls.

A bishop.

The raven slowly moves toward it, rolling it around with its claw a few times before it finally manages to get a good grasp on it and stands it up again. The moment the base of the bishop reconnects the chessboard, the raven’s feathers turn black.

Blinking my eyes open, I squint at the overwhelming noise. My disoriented gaze instantly lands on Raven, but it’s my mother I can hear talking.

“Eldon…Eldon, are you okay?”

I can’t respond right away, I’m too locked onto the worry in Raven’s eyes combined with the vision that just consumed me.

Raven’s hand lifts to my arm, squeezing gently, and it seems to pull me from oblivion. “Sorry, I’m good,” I breathe, the noise around me no longer as amplified as it was.

“Are you sure?” my mother asks, and I nod.

“I’m fine. Just a…”

“Vision,” she finishes, keeping her voice low as she leans in to press a kiss against my cheek. “If you have any concerns, you know how to reach me, alright?”

I nod and take a step back just as Creed, Brax, and Zane appear. I let them say their goodbyes as I turn for the door with Raven still at my side. She doesn’t pepper me with questions as we head out, which I’m beyond grateful for.

The second we step out into the fresh air, I sigh with relief. Reluctantly, I let go of her hand to dig into my pants pocket, retrieving my small pad and pen that I carry everywhere with me. I jot down the entire vision. Even though I can see them in my mind all of the time, it can be therapeutic to handwrite them. It can sometimes help me piece it together too.

Once it’s secured in my pocket again, I turn my attention back to Raven. “Sorry about that.”

“Why are you apologizing? I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

Cupping her cheek, I eliminate the small distance between us until our noses brush. “Thank you. It was a vision, that’s all. I don’t get a say as to when they come through and I don’treallyhave a handle on the way that it consumes me so completely when it does. But with practice, I’ll eventually have more control over them.”

“That’s hot,” she murmurs.

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