Page 47 of Sold for Sin

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“No one is coming to save you. Especially not Valkus.” Something wet – not my tears – drips over my lips, and I realize then that my nose is bleeding.

Oh, dear gods! They’re trying to kill me!

I do not know who my attacker is, or why they’re attacking me, but it is clear that they aren’t just trying to hurt me. They want to kill me. I’m going to die here.

The truth is, I am not strong enough to fight off an attack from a dark elf. And I am quite sure that my attacker is a dark elf.

I might be strong from all the work I used to do, but dark elves have brute strength, height, and they also have magic.

I continue to cough, almost retching when I swallow some of my own blood. Bile has risen in my throat, and my body jerks as the urge to vomit threatens to overwhelm me.

Then, while Nexus is pawing at me and chirruping, his anxiety obvious, I am yanked to my feet by my hair.

A mask is wrapped around my eyes before I can see who my attacker is. A rope or something similar is snaked around my neck and is pulled tight enough that I start to bleed almost immediately from the friction of it against my skin.

“Please.” I cough as my attacker pushes me forward. I stumble as they walk me out of the room.

“Please!” My voice cracks on the word as I begin to beg for my life. “Please, I haven’t done anything! Please let me go! Please!”

My attacker simply laughs viciously before they kick my ankles and shins.

I am brought to stop and forced to my knees.

Nexus is still somewhere close by, but he is not in the same room as me. The room I am in is cold, and I shiver as the mask is pulled from my eyes.

The room is dark, so I cannot see as I am strapped to the ground with belts.

“Please.” I know that I won’t stop begging. Not until they kill me. Not until my life ends.

I need to beg because it is the only thing I can do. It is the only way I can fight for myself.

And I want to fight because I finally have something worth fighting for.

A sob chokes out of me, and tears gather in my eyes again as I listen to Nexus anxiously purring outside the door.

Memories of all the time I have spent with Valkus and Nexus come at me, overwhelming me, threatening to drown me.

All I can think of, as a cold wind rushes over me, is the time that Valkus took me to the theater.

All I can think of is learning about dark elf culture. All I can think of is learning to love Nexus, a wild animal.

But then, a hand grips my chin, and my face is forcefully tilted up.

The hand pries my lips apart, no matter how hard I try to keep my lips pressed together.

Then something, maybe a pipe or the neck of a bottle, is pushed into my mouth and halfway down my throat.

I start choking instantly as a liquid that I have never tasted before is poured down my throat.

I do not know what it is. It certainly isn’t water, but it could be alcohol. Whatever it is, I think it is poisonous.

I think I am dying.

Tears are streaming down my face, and my head starts pounding as I am forced to swallow the liquid being shoved down my throat.

But whatever it is, it is coming down my throat too fast. There is too much of it, and I cannot swallow all of it.

Some of the liquid goes down the wrong tube and comes back up out of my nose. Some of the liquid somehow escapes my mouth.
