Page 61 of Meet Me On The Ice

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“He will come around, eventually.”

Wrapping my arms around Sam’s waist, he kissed me on the top of my head and hugged me tightly.

“I know, I’d be the same as him if my sister was dating my high school bully.”

“Come on, we best get going otherwise we will be late ourselves.”

* * *

Beth had asked, well demanded, that they could get a horse drawn carriage for some of their wedding photographs. Which one of the local farmers were happy to offer, in exchange for photographs and a slice of cake.

It was one of the few things I loved about living in a small town, everyone helped each other when we could. Crystal had done all the catering along with the girls. They were sitting in the guest seating area when we all arrived.

And as the music started to play, we each took our places in the line to head down to the front. Sam thankfully sat with Crystal and the girls as they left him a seat, most likely desperate to ask for all the gossip.

Linking arms with Joe, we headed down after his groomsmen and no sooner than a few minutes later did Bethan and her bridesmaids arrive.

The photographer continued to snap away picture after picture, timed wonderfully as Joe dabbed his wet eyes once he spotted Bethan walking down our little garden aisle. Her eyes lit up as she looked around, spotting all the beautiful led glass lanterns we had set up. The fairy lights glittering in the snow lit sky as the snow fell slowly and lightly.

It was a perfect moment and she looked breathtaking in a fur shrug over her satin fitted mermaid dress. Something I myself had forgotten about as goosebumps trailed up my arms. I was normally used to the cold, but now I craved Sam’s warm arms around me.

As they said their I do’s, I held back the tears as my baby brother married the love of his life. Each time I looked over at Sam he too was smiling brightly at me. Perhaps this would be us one day. Maybe.

I was grateful once the ceremony and group photographs were over as my feet ached from the black Jimmy Choo pumps. I hadn’t had a chance to break in yet and knew full well there were going to be a few blisters in the morning.

“Looks like you could use this.”

Megan appeared holding out a glass of red wine and I took it without a second thought. Yes, I was parched and needed a good drink or three. Sam had been pulled to the dance floor by Crystal demanding he’d show her his shake your booty dance while Lacy enjoyed herself and danced with Jasmine.

“Are you happy with our meddling now?”

“You know as well as I do, I have never enjoyed any of you meddling in my life – but, this time round, I will say thank you.”

“Good cause that's one fine piece of ass you are not allowed to lose. We all agree, he’s good for you.”

As the music began to slow into a slow dance, Taylor Swift started to blare out of the speakers and Sam instantly looked for me. Grabbing me seconds later, he pulled me into a soft waltz.

Throwing one of my arms around his neck, he swayed me, spun me out and then back into him. It felt as if everyone stopped to watch us. Thankfully it was just the girls as Megan held up her phone to capture a few pictures.

“I’ve loved you three summers…” Sam whispered in my ear, copying with the song and my heart melted a little.

“I think you will find you’ve loved me longer,” I whispered back.

“I never stopped.”

The evening was picture-perfect. Even to the point Sam’s parents had barely said anything other than a few hellos and how are you. Which was sad, but I think they realized today wasn’t the time and place. Eventually, Sam would speak to them, in his own time.

“I mean it, Kim. It has always been you, since the first day I met you, when you got stuck with me.”

His voice sent shivers down my spine as he began to confess his feelings and I rested my head against his chest as we rocked.

“I know you loved Luke, and you might still be in love with him, I understand that. But.”

He lifted my chin up to face him, his eyes glassy and just as beautiful as they’ve always been. Green with specks of brown in them.

“I intend to be your last love. If you will have me.”

I smiled as soon as he said the words. I knew in my heart what I wanted. He was my first love. Luke was my great love, but this…Sam would be my last love and one I was meant to be with for the rest of my life with.

“I love you, too.”

His smile widened as he pulled me even closer to him, his lips finding mine and then he lifted me up a little. My leg bent at the knee and rose behind me, then he lowered me down again.

“We can’t take all the spotlight,” I said as his lips left mine.

A small laugh was shared between us. Thankfully no one was paying any attention to us as Bethan and Joe began cutting the cake. We had that moment to ourselves and although the music had been turned down, we continued to dance together.

We would dance together forever.
