Page 126 of Desiring You

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Still holding my hand, a fact I noticed when Ransom growled deep in his chest behind me, Harry yanked me forward and whispered in my ear. “I have my ways. Savage ways.”

With a twirl, he released me, threw me a wink, and strode away. Then it hit me. It was the voice of the anonymous source who led me to the photographer and Jerika. He must have led me to the killer to get the heat off of him from Tatianna’s death. Holy shit!

Ransom took a step to go after him, but I caught his wrist and pressed his hand to my ass. His eyes refocused on me and I shook my head. I pulled him to the dance floor for a dance.

“What the fuck was that about?” Ransom snarled.

I felt a secret smile pull on my lips. “I think I just met someone very important.”

He scoffed and pressed me closer to his chest. “Well, he sure thought so. Thinking he can manhandle my wife right in front of me like that.”

I chuckled at his possessiveness and stretched toward his ear. “He’s one of the best hackers I’ve ever known. Burning Savage.”

Ransom pulled back. “Are you serious?”

I nodded. “He just told me. And the source who led me to the magazines. Interesting, huh?”

He growled. “Whoever he is, he better keep his hands off you in the future or he’s going to get laid out.”

A lazy smile raised the corners of my lips as Ransom and I swayed to Omar’s favorite ballad, Can’t Help Falling in Love. “You’re such a caveman.”

He leaned in and nuzzled my neck. “If loving you this much makes me a fool, I don’t give a fuck.”

I leaned back to give him better access. “I’m glad to hear it. Guess it makes me one too.”

I felt a low vibration in his chest. “That reminds me. Did I deck all of the guys who tried to keep you from dancing with me at my own wedding reception?”

Snuggling into his chest, I heard the low rumble there. “Yes, Chief. You taught them all a valuable lesson.”

He grunted.

I smirked. “To not get caught.”

He pulled back glaring around the room.

I couldn’t help but snigger. “So easy.”

He grumbled, yanking me back into his chest so hard my breath whooshed out. I tipped my chin up to see his smoldering eyes. My smirk disappeared as the heat between us grew while we finished our dance.

The moment the music stopped, Regina took the microphone. “I need the woman of the hour!”

Reluctantly, Ransom let go of me so I could stand on a makeshift stage at her side.

Looking out among our family and friends, I noticed furtive glances among those considering becoming coupled, steamy stares of the established couples, and longing of those who hadn’t been brave enough yet to try coupling up. It made me think about how much I learned in the last year. Nothing was guaranteed. Nothing was certain. But with my other half, we were stronger. We were braver. Together, we would get each other through anything.

Regina shook my hand and waited for the applause to die down. “Okay, guys. Settle down a second so I can tell you how incredible this woman standing beside me truly is.”

“Now, Regina,” I started, but she cut me off.

Placing her hand on my shoulder, she continued. “Not only did Phoebe find a serial killer when no one else suspected foul play. Not only did she follow the clues and manage to find a sexual predator who was arrested later on over twenty counts of dosing and sexually assaulting women in New York City. But she faced Jerika Juergen, was drugged by her, and chose to look death in the face and tell it to fuck off!”

The applause that arose was deafening. I felt a lump growing in my throat and hoped to hell she wasn’t going to make me talk.

Regina glanced over at me as she spoke. “So, in light of her accomplishments of surviving the attack, thriving in her journalism career, and marrying the love of her life, she also wrote a book. I jumped at the chance to walk this road with her and celebrate her new career as a true crime novelist. Let’s hear it for Phoebe Garrison-Pierce!”

When Regina shoved the microphone in my face, part of me wanted to shove it back. But looking out at the hockey players, my supportive girlfriends, and Aunt Lori with Dominic in the front row beaming at me, I took a deep breath and swallowed past the emotion threatening to steal my voice.

“Good evening,” I said, my voice a little shaky. Seeking out Ransom, I locked onto his eyes for a moment to steady myself. “There have been so many experiences in life that affect us. Sometimes they break us for a little while. Sometimes they threaten to shut us down and tear away our self-respect. That could have happened to me if I’d been alone. But I’m one of the fortunate ones who made a family for myself. And since I came to Taylor Ridge, I formed an even bigger family here.

“Each and every one of you helped me through one of the most difficult experiences of my life. You helped me turn a horrible experience into something that not only didn’t break me, it made me stronger. So, as I receive these accolades, I’m here to thank you. For words of encouragement. For quiet support. For late-night chats. For mid-morning coffee. For play dates with dogs. For late nights in slippers. I am so grateful to have all of you in my life.”

After some applause died down, I continued. “Now, there is one man who stands above the rest. As much as I love all of you, there is no one more supportive, more loving than my husband, Ransom. I couldn’t ask for a better man to shore me up on days when I’m unsteady. My love, I know I can always count on you for a distraction or a cup of coffee in the night to keep me going. Whatever I need, you’re always there. So, thank you, Ransom. Your belief in me, your desire for me saved me in every possible way.”

Ransom stepped up and wrapped me in a hug while I handed the microphone back to Regina.

When he pulled back, I saw something I don’t often see. “Do you have a head injury?” I asked, running my fingers tenderly through his long hair. “Did something happen to break your skull in the last few minutes?”

He shook his head with a weak smile. “Raven, you did it. You accepted compliment after compliment. You allowed all these people to celebrate you. And you did it with grace. I’m so fucking proud of you.”

Burying his face in my hair, I held him. He wasn’t crying, not really. The joy he felt just leaked out of his eyes a little. As I stroked his long gorgeous hair, I sighed with contentment. Feeling overwhelmed by his emotions would pass. But the joy and desire we had found for each other would never fade, for that was real and everlasting.

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