Page 55 of When Ghosts Cry

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“What about the mark on the tree you texted about?”

“That one is all you.” Sam pushed half a piece of toast in her mouth.

If it was something marked into a tree it was permanent. She could find out for herself but she wanted Sam’s witness account. It was clear she wouldn’t get it this time.

“That’s me.” Grabbing her last remaining bills, Vera set the cash on the table. “That’s for the waitress, don’t even think about it.” Sam scoffed but eyed the money beneath her lashes.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ve gotta get going anyway, it’s a long way to Texas.” She kicked her pack, inhaling more food.

Worry, possibly unwise and unfounded, filled her as she looked at Sam. It wasn’t her job to solve her life problems. Her finding Alex was just a single stop in her otherwise strange and unsteady life. Still, concern settled in like a strange friend for the wanderer.

“Can I get you a motel room for the night?” The girl needed a shower and a few more meals in her belly. And Vera didn’t want her wandering around Sylen alone, day or night.

Sam poked at a tomato. “Nah, I’m going once I finish this food.” Something soft crept in at the edge of her eyes. “Thanks.”

It was a bad idea to let her run off. They didn’t have an official statement and she was confident the Sheriff’s department hadn’t collected one. But she wasn’t going to back her into a corner.

“You have my number, Sam. Use it. I’m a good friend to have.” Usually. The anger and pain she caused Ximena flooded her mind. She wasn’t used to causing so much havoc.

“Yeah, yeah.” It was a glib remark.

“Take care of yourself and stay out of the forest.” All she got was a snort for the concern as the waitress returned with her boxed sandwiches to go.

Chapter 22


Stepping out of the diner, Vera took her time getting to the car.

I miss you.

A risky thought slid into her mind. Maybe for the few days they were together it wouldn’t be so bad to enjoy one another again. To be touched, to touch someone she knew, someone that she trusted at least to know how she liked it. Would it be so bad to give in and give them something they both wanted?

“Hey.” Teddi looked good. Her hair pulled back leaving her neck visible in the open collar of her top. The car smelled like her. Like comfort and calm.

She shut the door to keep the lavender scent from floating away. “How was the meeting with J?”

Teddi shrugged, turning the warm vents towards Vera. “Fine, she said we should get results pretty soon since they have a hook-up with a private lab in Denver.”

The sooner they could figure out what the hell was going on in Sylen, the better. The sooner this killer was taken down and out, the better.

Anticipation turned into a sharp pinch in her chest as she looked her over again. The fear she felt when she ran into that field in front of the deputies would never leave her. The cold, wretched fear that overtook her was something she never experienced before. The image of her lifeless body down in that cellar next to the other victims made her blood turn to chips of ice.

“Is that Sam?”

“Yeah.” She mumbled, pulling herself away from the horrific thoughts.

“Anything useful?”

“She claims there was someone in the forest watching her when she found Alex. She’s not too fond of Sheriff Malis but no big surprise there.”

“Did she see who it was?”

“She described a wide-brim hat but they were too small to be the Sheriff.”

“Deputy Gunson.” Teddi sighed. Not with surprise but frustration. “So maybe the note is valid.”

Vera nodded. “It seems that way. I just can’t figure out the motive. What’s he gaining?”
