Page 242 of Redfang Royal

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They have to get burned before they learn.

Too sleepy to fight, I sigh. “I want all of you.”

“That’s our girl.” Jin’s scratchy voice strokes me in time with his palms. “Come in.”

Unleashed, alphas pour into the nest.

Dutch pile-drives the bed first, but the body that slides against my back isn’t maple syrup burly. Lithe and crisp, with a hint of expensive cologne, Bishop purrs so rich, he curls my toes. “Feeling better?”

“Am now.” Pressed between him and Jin, while Dutch and Reese rock the mattress, climbing my thighs.

I’d freak if I weren’t so tapped.

Bish noses my ear. “Honesty tastes good on you.”

“Don’t get used to it,” I mumble.

“Never. I want to taste all your flavors.”

“I’m in charge of tasting.” Dutch shoulders Bish’s legs, hugging my ass and looping an arm high between my legs.

I’d squirm, but even if the guys can’t be mine-mine-feral-gamma-mine, maybe my body’s finally allowing me partial ownership.

“You sure you’re okay? You took a lot of hits today.” Reese massages my calf, working out a knot—not the fun kind.

Four purrs sync, scratchy and stroking.

Surrounded by their scents, tangled in hands that won’t let go, even when they should, I shut down the inner robo-voice that wants to answer: I’m fine.

If I had the energy, I’d scream.

They’re supposed to be mine

Worst-morning scenario, I wake to an empty bed.

Or in an SAS cell.

Instead, I wake with my head pillowed on a packleader thigh.

My thighs are pillows too.

Dutch fell asleep face-down. Every time he inhales, his nose bridge rubs my clit, and with my legs hitched over his shoulders, it’s a miracle he can breathe at all.

Reese holds my hand somewhere humid and tangled, elastic pulling my forearm.

I’m inside the shorts.

Bish is the only alpha who didn’t shift in the night. Glued to my side, he clutches my arm to his chest. Our fingers twine, and the knuckle pushed between his lips grazes his teeth.

I shut down a shudder.

If they won’t pull away, how can I?

Jin shifts, his black hair falling over his smooth forehead. My cheek is the same supernova temperature as his leg, and his pheromones spark like I’m already licking his lightning rod.

The angle puts his face upside-down.

But upside-down, right-side-up, even Uno-reversed, Jin’s slow grin is catastrophic for my heart. “Morning.”

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