Page 154 of Redfang Royal

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I take the tall chair at the end of the row, keeping a slab of marble between me and his body heat.

His sandwich chokes me as much as his bare skin. White bread filled with a yellow sauce and grapes. It’s the sandwich he always brought me in a spare lunchbox, even when money was tight.

“Curry chicken salad is your favorite.” He slices the bread diagonal.

Just the way I like. “You remembered.”

Jin leans against the bar with a hypnotic gaze set to stun. “It’s you. How could I not?”



Be stubborn.

Even better—be Serafina.

I push the plate away with a fussy finger. “I’m not who I used to be.”

Jin doesn’t flinch. I’d say his lips thin, but they’re lush again when he smiles, slow and confident. He pushes back the plate, rejecting my rejection. “Nothing important has changed.”

I wish that were true.

Instead of arguing, I take a huge bite.

The familiar spices almost juice out my dried-up tears.

Jin peeled my grapes.

He balances his chin on his palm, presenting his lean torso like he already co-signed my plan to lick him down the middle.

You could roll a marble between those pecs.

It would slide straight between his chocolate-bar abs, dip through his shallow belly button, and snag in the waistband of his lazy-fitted pajama bottoms.

Lonely, gold-toned skin winks from Jin’s hip bones.

Begging for more of my claws.

I’m not omega enough to act on the fantasy, but gammas must be natural freaks.

I want to peel down his waistband.

Mark everything.

Jin’s eyes flash onyx under my too-obvious attention. He drags down his ribs, then hooks his thumb, tugging the pajamas lower on his hip.

Something, somewhere tingles, and I forget I’m eating.

A half-chewed grape falls from my mouth.

Not very gangster.

“No rush.” Jin passes me a paper towel. “You can have as much as you want.”

“What if I want everything?”

Jin’s evil smile kicks my stomach into a trench.
