Page 142 of Redfang Royal

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Surprise! You were always meant to be theirs.

All I feel is a phantom neck pang and a toothache from gritting down my scent.

Don’t get caught in their spell.

If I’m going to act, I better do it right.

I yank the backpack crushed under Dutch’s lumber-thigh, dig out my blackest stick of liner, and wing my eyes for battle, Serafina Redfang style.

“What are you doing?” Dutch peeks into my bag.

I snap the case shut before he realizes the secret hidden underneath the fake backing, passing him a makeup mirror to keep his grabby hands full of something other than my skin.

No more weakness. “I’m putting on a show.”

Fake mates.

If this isn’t real, then explain the volcano ripping faults in my chest.

I almost crashed three times while she was strapping into my coat.

I can’t wait for Kairo to see her wearing me.

Can’t wait for my father to realize she’ll never belong to his favorite son.

Serafina, Solomon, Sol.

She’s mine, no matter her name or story.

As I pull under The Barrington’s awning, alphas climb from expensive cars. Clean. No visible tattoos. Sheathed in suits that fit the zip code.

These aren’t street-level soldiers. They’re generational enforcers, pulsing with dominance.

Kairo’s taking us seriously.

Because Serafina Redfang is the ultimate bargaining chip.

But Sol—my mate—is something else. I launch keys at the valet and vault to her, instincts raging to shield and protect.

She’d be tall for an omega.

For a gamma? Who knows.

With her hair slicked back and eyes painted for battle, her fearless glint is nothing like Solomon’s coy, corner-of-the-eye glances. But now that I’m looking instead of overdosing on perfume, I recognize those bones.

I lick my teeth.

Her lips taste the same.

Tangy, sweet, and made for me.

I lean in, desperate for more. “Are you sure you—”

“I’m sure.” Businesslike, she sidesteps me. “Let’s do this.”

My fierce little tomcat.

Solomon always hated aggressive power.
