Page 106 of Redfang Royal

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I just have to keep my distance for a few hours.

Then I’ll slip away. Maybe leave a note.

The guys will be upset, but they’ll forget me the second they scent their real mate.

Just like they forgot Solomon.

I’m ready to lie as soon as they start asking questions.

But once Jin hits the city streets, driving in circles to throw off any tails, the quiet’s only broken by the engine’s whine.

It reminds me of waiting in the orphanage sitting room. That thick, strained silence just before I’m rejected by another set of parents who want a kid and not a question mark.

Waiting for the killing blow.

It tears the teeny fibers in my heart to leave them hanging, but I don’t want to be the one who swings the axe.

I’d rather feel awkward than get destroyed.

So I seal my lips, nose, and pheromones, trying to breathe around their scents while I calculate how soon I need another shot and how far I can run on the wad of cash jammed down my corset.

We’re crossing the bridge out of the city when Bishop cracks the silence through gritted teeth. “Dutch isn’t coming home.”

Reese sighs. “He’ll regret it.”

“Lisa and Dany?” Jin asks.

Bishop squeezes his phone until its case creaks. “Already on the plane.”

“Good.” Jin’s dark gaze flicks to mine in the mirror, waiting for a response.

Serafina doesn’t know their secret history. She’d flash into a rage, hearing other female names from her packleader’s lips. I can do rage. “Who are they?”

“Lisa is our pack mother and Dany’s our little sister. Dutch is—”

Bishop huffs. “A stubborn, classless oaf.”

Reese rolls his eyes. “A loveable oaf.”

“That too,” Bishop whispers so softly that I have to bite my cheek to keep from licking my lips.

Jin grips the steering wheel, flashing the Triad tattoos on his fingers. “He’s our pack’s fourth alpha. Your alpha, if you’ll give us a chance.”

My heart squeezes, dripping spiked lemonade. “I need time.”

First opportunity to sneak away, I’m gone.

Then I’ll have all the time in the empty world to kneel on rocks and regret smashing the coward button.

“Not sure we have that.” Jin’s glance skims past my shoulder. A black sedan is already on our ass, tinted windows and no plates.

No way it’s Team Fissure. Bridget would never roll around town in a car that can’t double as a battering ram. I dip lower in my seat. “Redfangs?”

“Triad.” Jin hits the gas, then his phone rings through the speakers.

When Korean letters pop up on the console, I’m not the only one sucking a breath through my teeth.

Jin never speaks Korean and almost never speaks about his dad—the only person who’d be in his contacts under a name I can’t read.

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