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“Killer.” Lilah jerks when I call her nickname. “Need your help.”

“With what?” Her voice drips with well-deserved suspicion, but her poker face is cracked; she’s still smoothing Orion’s shaking back.

I swallow.

Her emotions are so high, her scent hits like a caramel club. I want to sweep her into my lap and purr until she’s calm and safe.

I want to fucking devour her.

But I have to be patient.

Have to make shit right and prove I’m worthy of her trust before I earn a taste of that crème brûlée.

“Orion.” His scent’s just as sharp, just as sweet, but the apple doesn’t warp my brain at the same level. “Do you want to stay with us or with Lilah?”

“Lilah,” he says with zero thought.

Perfect answer. “Can you help him enroll in classes?”

“Here?” Lilah’s snub nose wrinkles.

So fucking cute.

“Adult classes.” Orion’s still shaky but he shoots the easy layup I just passed. “I can get my shit together and be your bodyguard.”

“I’ll show you around, but this doesn’t change my plan. I’m going to keep meeting packs.”

Atlas clicks back online, instinctively rumbling his displeasure.

Time to get the omegas out. “We won’t get in your way. Just hold our spot at the back of the line.”

“If you say so.” Lilah probably wants to argue, but she and Orion are wrecked.

“Stick together tonight. I’ll send the new security plan in the morning.”

“If by morning you mean noon.” She stands, offering Orion a hand.

Together, they shuffle to the security gate. My instincts hate letting them out of sight, but we have to play the smart game. Orion catches my eye, giving me the nod.

Fucking finally, we’re on the same page.

At least some of us are.

I watch until they disappear.

Then it’s time to deal with the two butt ends of this idiot sandwich.

Atlas is on his knees.

I kick him in his muscular ass, knocking him onto his elbows.

Falling restarts his brain.

Jett’s still mid-lobotomy. He stares shell-shocked at the moon and flinches when I grab him.

I drag both their stubborn asses to the bench.

It’s time for a talk.
