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I don’t want to think about it.

Hunter’s eyes widen, anger slipping when he catches sight of me. “Holy shit, O. You good?”

“Fine.” I’m in sweatpants and a tee, haven’t showered in days, and probably soaked the room in stress pheromones. Lap it up, fuckers. “How is she?”

Hunter’s jaw clenches. “She’s on the rotation schedule.”

My heart jutters. “And we’re making an offer?”

“Shouldn’t have to,” Finn mutters from the seventh circle. “She’s ours.”

Hunter shoves Finn onto the sofa, putting him in time-out. “Yeah, well we fucked that up. Now we’re at the back of the line.”

Jett drops into a chair, staring into space, and he’s never been a golden retriever, but I’ve also never seen him look this fucking lost.

Atlas moves to me, but I step back, avoiding the magnetic pull to go to him, to forgive and forget and submit. “So? What’s the plan?”

“We get her back.” Atlas is so focused he doesn’t notice me distancing myself. “She can’t go on that list. We only have two weeks.”

“Why two weeks?” I glance to Hunter, whose square jaw tics.

“Because her heat cycle got screwed and that’s when the doctors think she’ll pop.”

“Two weeks?” It feels like we were just pulling her out of that barrel, and she’s supposed to go through that again?


And how do they think they can fix shit in two weeks?

We’d be fucked if we had four months.

Four years.

And fuck knows when I’ll get to see Lilah. Nobody’s going to let a bonded male omega court her.

“Shower.” Atlas clicks into mission mode, dishing out orders without seeing how any of us react. “We stop in the office and run through Lilah’s security plan. Then we’ll deal with her name on that list.”

“At. No.” Hunter grits his teeth. “We can’t—”

“She’s not going into fucking rotation,” Atlas snarls. “Not when Redfangs have a multi-million bounty on her skin. We’re the only ones who can keep her safe.”

He barrels from the room, leaving us to shake off the dominance he just dished.

“Fuck.” Hunter frees himself first, wandering out to follow the boss’s orders. As Finn and Jett start to react, they move around me, but I’m underwater.

Everything’s swimmy and blurred.


I get where Atlas is coming from.

I do.

You love someone, you don’t want them hurt, let alone gang kidnapped.

But that doesn’t mean you strangle them with bubble wrap, jam them in a vault, and chain it shut. That doesn’t mean we get to tell Lilah what to do.

She’s going to hate their plan.
