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I should ask for a business card.

I’m still peering around, trying to Where’s Waldo the Wyverns when Scorpio climbs into the ring holding a mic. The bright lighting highlights his dark, jacked arms and the silver strands in his salt-and-pepper hair. “Settle, settle. I know you know the rules, so no bullshit. Who wants the first challenge?”

Anticipation rises in cheering and shuffling as the agents psych themselves up, eye-jousting to see who’s ballsy enough to start the first fight.

They’re too slow.

Atlas parts the crowd.

His Big Knot Energy strokes my spine from a ballfield away.

Finn, Hunter, and Jett appear behind him, with wrapped knuckles and gazes that are dark and out-for-blood delicious.

There’s my shiver.

A good one that rolls all the way to my toes.

“I have a challenge.” Atlas steps into the octagon.

And there’s my fucking surprise.

“You’re on leave,” Scorpio says in a dismissive tone that makes me revisit my bucket list plan to kick him in the kneecap. “Next challenger.”

Atlas doesn’t twitch. “I challenge Scorpio Wyvern.”

The crowd sucks in a breath.

Or was that me?

“Oh shit.” Orion jumps to his feet.

I stand, just as shocked as Scorpio.

“On what grounds?”

“For hurting my mates.”

“Oh shit,” I echo, heart in clammy, thumping chaos.

“Is that wise?” Scorpio’s brows lift.

Atlas nods, unshakable. “Has to be done.”

“Max,” Scorpio barks into the mic. The other three dads appear ringside on the opposite side of the cage from their sons.

No one misses the us vs. them battle lines drawn between the Wyvern generations.

“You’re reffing.” Scorpio tosses Max the mic. “Won’t take long.”

Max Wyvern is the jolly bearded dad-bod version of Hunter, who’s creepily obsessed with having grandkids.

He’s not smiling now. “Let’s keep this clean, okay?”

“Ring the bell.” Scorpio stretches, cracking his knuckles with his arms above his head. I don’t know him well enough to read what he’s thinking, but his body language screams.

Not his first time in the ring.

Probably not his hundredth.
