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They have to earn me.

And honestly, I couldn’t give a shit.

Without the bond jerking me, I’m aware of Finn moving boxes beside me, but that’s it. There’s no tension. No drive to win his approval or his touch.

All I have left of him and the pack is the itch of their fading bites.

Maybe because I’m so recently past my heat, or maybe because omega was never what I wanted to be, I’m not missing what I lost.

Isn’t that the mindfuck?

All that time I spent terrified I’d lose them, and it’s the best fucking thing that’s ever happened.

I’m free.

But as I haul another box of gifts into the closets that are all hers, I catch a whiff of the musky leather scent that still socks me in the ass.


We haven’t talked.

Need to, but Lilah needs me more.

I like being needed.

And the thing I like the most is that they can alphahole around all fucking day.

I’ll always be the one who understands Lilah best.

I want to learn everything about being an omega so that I can anticipate what she needs and be the first one to give it to her.

Must be learning something, because I feel the shift in the air the second before Lilah walks in the door.

I drop Atlas’s box and go to her.

She leads Jett, who’s surprisingly docile, directing him to push a stacked handcart into her bedroom.

“Need help?” I ask.

“If you want to carry. All the boxes go in my room.”

Finn appears, and the three of us tear down the pile, taking turns not letting her lift a thing.

Lilah huffs, not used to things being done for her.

Get used to it, Koala.

I should want things done for me too, but having Lilah is the ultimate brain hack. She scratches the itch. There’s no grasping, needing, clinging omega bullshit as long as she keeps her eyes on me.

As long as Lilah lets me stay.

But she shoos us out of the bedroom when everything’s unloaded. “I’m not coming out until I’ve read every page.”

“Shout if you need anything.”

“Sure.” She nods, hearing but not listening. Lilah wouldn’t ask for a sandwich, let alone actual help.

When she shuts us out, the lock click hits like a bullet. Finn, Jett, and I stare at the place where she was just standing.
