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My mom had a big cedar chest I’d climb inside to nap. That’s the best memory I have of the woman who gave me away.

Jett’s scent is the same. Sweet, fleeting memory, and then an epic falling apart.

Now I know his reasons.

They’re good reasons.

But I’m still mad, still heart-broken over losing one of the three people I ever considered mine.

Evgenia. Marisol. JJ.

The end.

The only ones who ever cared.

And Evgenia’s only halfway on the list. An auntie figure I can only count on half the time.

I peek at Jett as we ride the elevator up. He wears a black T-shirt tucked into belted pants, looking lithe and deadly, leaning against the wall. Or maybe the deadly thing is his man-bun. All that thick, dark hair bound in a knot, showing his high, pretty forehead that’s still red from chili overdose.

Jett doesn’t take me to the surface. Instead, he swipes us into a tunnel, and we take an underground passage to another building.

We pass armed guards, entering the non-civilian area. Unless there’s a full-scale, civil-war level infiltration, no outsider’s going to pull me off this compound.

The knowledge calms the squeaky wheel inside. That ever-present meerkat urge to pop up, wary of danger. Or maybe it’s walking beside Jett.

He doesn’t make a sound.

I’d say like a cat, but he’s more predatory.

A snow leopard.

We enter a surprisingly normal office building, even though we’re still underground. Whenever an office worker spots Jett, they do a hard one-eighty.

“So popular,” I murmur.

“I have…a reputation.”

“I bet.” We round a corner and a pretty beta dodges us so fast she sloshes coffee all over her blouse.

Jett—for all his awkward, serial killer charm—is seriously fucking hot. Like K-pop idol, fallen angel, should have his own fan café attractive. His cut cheekbones deserve their own poster.

But the way the woman spins away, fingers shaking…

That’s not how you avoid someone you dislike.

She avoids him out of pure, eye-widening fear.

“I thought Finn was the crazy one.”

“He is.” Jett’s lips twitch. “This way.”

He’s leading me into a room before I can decide if he just smiled. Squinting at his pressed lips, I miss the tall blond body coming at me like a missile.

Jett grabs me before I headbutt the walking piece of fruit gum who looks way too much like my Orion.

“Lilah.” Nathan grins. “Knew I’d see you again.”

“Did you?” Is he delusional?
