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Please be a spike. If I go into full heat—

Orion wraps me in his arms, trying to hide my body and my scent, but it’s way too late to pretend this isn’t going down.

The first alpha growl makes my skin crawl.

The second makes me shake.

Then I lose count, because this party just turned into a fucking jungle full of panthers tensing to rip me apart.

I pull out a knife, checking the exits.

The crowd ripples.

Some packs are confused, but others came with an evil master plan, because they know exactly whose job it is to seal the doors.

Someone knew I’d spike.

Someone planned another grab, and this time, I’m so outnumbered, I think they have a shot.

“Come with me.” A pack leader steps to my table, rocking the stubble and tattoos of my typical kidnapper. Five bulky alphas stand behind him in the same shady uniform.

Too many to fight on my own.

“Malcolm? What are you doing?” Rhett folds his napkin when he needs to be pulling a weapon, but he probably doesn’t carry one. Maybe doesn’t know how to use one.

“Collecting.” The alpha jerks his head. “Grab them.”

His packmates fan out, ready to drag us from the table.

I reach for my gun.

Orion reaches to pull me behind him.

But before either of us can fight, Wyvern Pack descends.

The other pack has six guys.

They should’ve brought twenty.

Finn and Jett fucking dismantle them in bones-broken, pounded-into-the-floor, brutal efficiency that leaves the room holding its breath.

Not me.

I’m gasping, squeezing my thighs together because apparently, I get wet over Wyverns who maim in my defense.

Not even ten seconds and the pack’s groaning on the carpet.

“Wait!” Cale hurries to kneel next to the guy whose arms are no longer in their sockets thanks to the Jett-Finn combo play that deserves its own highlight on gangbanger ESPN. “There’s no need for this. We’ll call the police.”

“Sit. Down,” Jett unleashes a snarl so vicious, Cale staggers.

There’s nothing submissive about Jett when he grinds his heel into Pack Leader Malcolm’s ribcage. But before he can juice the guy’s spine, he frowns, pressing his earpiece. “More incoming. Need to get Lilah out.”

Hunter and Atlas trade glances.

“You want to…” Hunter starts.
