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The first door opens to a huge gym so soaked in Hunter’s sweet smoke, I choke before I can whip it shut. The blast of air carries undertones of the other guys, but Hunter’s thick scent rearranges my sinuses.

Note to self: no working out in Hunter’s pheromone cloud.

The other locked door leads to the inside stairway. I close that one just as quickly, hating how many stairs and doors and ways there are to find me.

Definitely need to find a better hideout.

My omega instincts want me unpacking my duffel, tidying, and securing the nest, so I keep the bag zipped. I’m not moving in for real.

But I do need to backtrack to the lake and pick up the clothes that I dropped, because all I have are two spare sets, not counting the little black dress and silver heels that I’m going to burn.

I take a quick but necessary shower, needing to wash off all the scents of last night’s club, but mostly Finn’s orange-soaked touch.

After body wash and a towel that both reek of Hunter, I spritz myself all over with de-scenter.

Eyes closed, holding my breath, the shit burns at the same time it feels too good. Even if turns me half lobster, I just want to smell neutral so I can feel at least a little bit like myself.

Next, I have to figure out how the hell I’m escaping.

Thank the gods and goddesses, Evgenia packed my tablet.

Maybe the OCC just didn’t want to reclaim the cracked-screen dinosaur. Either way, I’m grateful.

Now I have almost everything I need.

Only one problem. The Wi-Fi password.

I don’t have data. I have a little cash saved in my secret accounts but no way of accessing or adding to the funds if I can’t get online.

Like I said.

I can go a week without food.

I can go four minutes without oxygen.

But I cannot survive a single day without Wi-Fi.

I just have to be a good ghost and wait for the right time to sneak upstairs. I creep to the bottom of the stairway and press my ear to the door.

Nothing but silence.

Wood creaks somewhere else in the house, but I don’t hear footsteps, music, or any other sign that anyone’s home.

I chew my lip, hesitating.

I have to be brave. Make a break while I can, try to find their router, and pray that someone wrote down the password.

Clutching the half-busted tablet, I sneak through the door. My feet sting and my blood pumps. I move silently, hyper-aware of every scent and sound.

At the top of the steps, I press my ear to the door again.

Still nothing.

Breathing fast, I touch the doorknob.

A door slams in the house, and I snatch my fingers back like the knob’s on fire.

Craig’s voice carries in a sickening whine. “Yes, Alpha. I just got back. No. She’s downstairs. No, I haven’t. Yes, I will. Yes, Alpha. Can I come meet the pack? I’ll—”
