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Finn slides open the window in the back of the cab. “Scared of us, Omega?” His grin is all teeth. Maybe I’d be scared, but I taste his scent on the air.

He smells like blood oranges and sweet cream with a hint of smoky gunpowder. I gasp, and the taste coats my tongue, crawling down my throat like Finn’s already inside me.

Holy fuck, I’m weak for these guys.

It takes a second before I can do words again.

All the while, Finn watches, eyes glittering like he’s seriously enjoying himself.

“Glad you’re having fun.”

“You have no idea.” He shuts the window, and I sag, free of the overpowering scent of him as Hunter guns the truck.

I lie back, lulled by the wind and the rocking bed.

I’m not aware of anything else until the thunk of the hatch going down. Blinking, I find a red-headed demon hovering over me.

“What are you doing?” Finn tilts his head like a curious puppy.

“Resting?” I blink up at him, confused, trying to hold my breath. I start to sit, but the world spins, and my stomach jumps on this opportunity to rumble like an alien creature.

“Here.” Finn offers me a hand, pulling me up surprisingly gently. His touch is warm and satisfying as hot soup on a cold day. The good chicken noodle kind that fills up your soul.

Upright, I realize we’re nowhere near the house. Tall buildings surround a crowded parking lot. I smell frying oil and cigarettes.

“Are you sending me back to the OCC?” It sounds like an amazing idea at this point. At least there, I can be anonymous. With the Wyverns, I’m under an electron microscope.

“Nah. Just brought you along for the night. You want to come out with us?” Hunter leans against the truck bed in a long-sleeved shirt that clings to his cut chest, giving only the sneakiest peek of the ink winding the dark tan skin at his wrists and neck.

“I’ll wait here.” I bite my lower lip to keep myself from licking it in front of him.

“Finn. Go find her some clothes.” Hunter lets out a breath. “Not really a request. We’re not leaving you alone in our truck.”

“Why not?” It’s not like they care what happens to me.

They don’t want me.

“Knew she’d be fun.” Finn laughs as he slides down to the ground. He disappears, leaving me alone with Hunter, who leans over the edge of the truck bed, watching with hawk eyes. His dark brown hair is cut short on the sides, but the wind teases the longer part on top, making me itch to push it away from his face the longer he keeps looking.

Too intense.

I can’t hide, so I slink until my back hits the cab, curling my knees to my chest, sitting on my hands, and tucking my feet under me so he can’t see the blood.

My stomach rumbles again, cutting the silence like an earthquake.

Hunter curses. “You haven’t eaten since this morning?”

I haven’t eaten in days. “I’ll be fine.”

“We’re not trying to starve you.”

I shrug. There’s never been a day I could eat as much as I want whenever I want. The OCC’s meal plans are expensive. I opted into the lowest tier as soon as I was old enough to realize how much I already owed. Then I was busy ducking omegas who wanted to jump me, skipping the dining hall, skipping meals. The trainers reduced my rations for any little thing from talking back to fighting back when I was cornered. Eventually, I realized hunger was a necessary evil if I wanted to drag out my awakening.

The longer Hunter watches, the tighter I curl into myself.

He’s not just watching me. I feel like he can see my whole dark history and all my secrets.

I wilt under his gaze.
