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My trainers said I’d feel the urge to preen. That I’d sink into myself and feel seen. Protected and loved and all those good sappy things.

I feel seen all right.

This alpha sees every inch of me from my shabby sweats to my bruised forehead and my involuntary cringe, because the closer he comes, the more I need to run.

Run and hide and never come out of my hole again.

When he steps forward, I step back, moving down the stairs.

“Stop,” he barks.

The command locks my joints and stills my lungs. My gaze snaps to his face.

Fuck, he’s beautiful.

Furious and beautiful.

His eyes are brown and maybe gold, and I shouldn’t want to climb him to see, because they’re shooting fire like he wishes he could incinerate me. Burn my corpse to smoking ash.

He’s rugged. Dark hair and skin with thick, sexy eyebrows, thick arms.

Just thick all over.

Makes me wonder what else is thick and—holy hell!

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I take another step back. Only now Craig’s standing behind me. When I bump into his chest, I jump like he just grabbed my ass, springing back into the gazebo with the firing squad of angry alphas.

I would introduce myself, do something to break this icy silence, but I can’t. I literally cannot move a muscle, even to open my mouth, hypnotized by the pack leader and his suffocating, world-erasing dominance.

“I’m Atlas,” he announces. “Hunter, Finn, Jett.” He nods to his boys standing behind him in a half-circle, each more devastatingly handsome than the last. I don’t dare spend more than a nanosecond on Jett because he’d explode my ovaries and I swear his profile looks familiar.

They’re missing their fifth. Orion?

He’s already my favorite because he’s not here glaring like he wants to rip my head off and drink mimosas from my severed skull.

The pressure they’re throwing crushes like the deepest ocean trench. I’m sweating, and I can barely stand up straight.

It isn’t fair how easily they can dominate me.

Just because they’re alphas. Just because I’m an omega.

I grit my teeth and force my head up high, tapping into the willpower that pushes me to run marathons on empty and kick my own ass on the daily. “I’m Lilah.”

“Here’s the deal.” Atlas folds his arms over his broad chest, and it takes everything I have to not to lick my lips. “You will never be a member of this pack. You’re welcome to stay as long as you stay out of our way. We’ll stay out of yours. Don’t go into the house or go looking for Orion. We’ll kick you straight back to the OCC the second you step out of line.” He looms like he’s waiting for me to cry. To fall down in a pathetic, weeping puddle.

The red-headed alpha, Finn, bounces watching me get cut down like he’s a kid on Christmas morning.

But I’m the one unwrapping all the presents. “You won’t bite me?”

“Never,” hisses Jett, the dark-haired, demonic beauty who can’t even look at me without clenching his cut jaw.

“Then I’ll stay out of your way. I didn’t exactly volunteer for this.”

Craig scoffs behind me, but I’d rather forget he’s here.

I have more questions.
