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“I packed your things.” Evgenia hands me the bag. Holding my accounting books and all three outfits I own, it has plenty of space left inside. She pats my shoulder. “Take care of yourself.”

My throat closes down.

I want to throw my arms around her and take what’s probably the best, only hug I’ll ever get, but Evgenia’s not a hugger.

My inner omega might be a clinger, but she’s never driven this bus and she never will. “Thanks.”

“Get in.” Craig jumps into the driver’s seat and starts the car.

I wouldn’t put it past him to make me run for it, so I scramble inside, climbing to the third row of seats.

I want distance between us.

So much distance.

I hope Evgenia didn’t forget to pack the shiv I keep under my pillow.

The interior reeks of cardboard Craig. I can just barely pick up on more scents underneath, but they’re faded, old, and my senses aren’t as sharp as an awakened omega’s.

It’s surreal as we fly down the OCC’s manicured drive, finally passing through the spike-tipped iron gates. I’m an expert at sneaking around campus, but I’ve never snuck off.

I’ve only left a handful of times since my mother sold me.

Maybe being out in the big, wide world will feel freeing someday. For now, I hug my bag and curl up, making myself small in the back seat as I watch the unfamiliar city fly by and plug my nose to keep from inhaling Craig’s scent.

I’m trading one prison for another, but I’m going to survive.

Somehow, I always survive.




I can’t appreciate the scenery as Craig drives us out of the city. It’s all a blur of trees and big sky until at least an hour later when he turns down a country road and stops to punch in a code. The iron gates swing open.

We must almost be there, but we stop again. Another gate, another code for me to memorize.

Then the house appears.

Turns out, the road is a long-ass driveway.

We’re here.

Here being a freaking three-story mansion complete with whimsical ivy-choked pillars that make me feel a million miles away from my dream cottage in the woods.

Rich packs all have country manors.

The other omegas were always lusting over real estate. Underground nests, swimming pools, and gourmet kitchens. I like nice things as much as the next girl, but I don’t for a second think of any of this as mine.

“Get out,” Craig barks, beta-style with zero power but plenty of catty attitude. “The alphas are waiting for you.” He licks his lips, almost bouncing as he glances toward the house.

I’d rather disappear into the tree line and live in a cozy cave somewhere than step a single toe onto this pack’s territory. I’d rather run for days and keep running until my feet bleed.

But I climb out of the car.

I have no other choice.
