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I wonder if they’d let me watch?

A throat clears.

Orion and I whip to the entryway.

Craig strolls into the kitchen with a plastered smile for Orion.

“Omega. You shouldn’t be doing housework.”

“I’m cutting tomatoes. Not re-grouting the tile.”

“Let me do it for you.” The beta makes a grab for Orion’s kitchen knife.

“I’ve got it.” Orion dodges before Craig can touch him. He moves closer to me, half-hiding me behind his back.

My stomach warms.

He’s protecting me.

“Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be picking up the guys?” Orion’s grip tightens on the knife handle. He’s taller than Craig, but the beta’s stockier.

Somehow, I know Orion could kick his ass in a fight.

But with some fights, starting them means you’ve already lost. My fingers drift to the switchblade tucked at my hip.

“They told me not to bother. I just want to help you.” His moon eyes make me twitch.

“You’re not on the clock. Go home.”

I’m gripping Orion’s sleeve before I realize, and Craig scowls when he tracks the motion. “She gets to stay.”

I open my mouth ready to defend myself to this creeper, but Orion takes a step, blocking me from his insanity.

“Her name is Lilah, and she saved my fucking life. If you can’t be polite to her, then you can get the fuck out of my home.”

“It’s not like that, Omega,” Craig whines.

“We’ll see you tomorrow,” Orion says, exasperated.

“First thing in the morning. Good night, Omega.” He sulks out of the kitchen like a stepped-on rat.

Orion sets down his knife with a shudder. “That dude has got to go.”

“Like, now.” I mean, I’ve grown up with a mess of textbook hanger-oners but I’ve never seen one so unable to read the room. The pack’s not even nice to Craig and he’s begging for their affection.

It’s a sour thought because am I any better?

We let out big twin breaths when Craig’s car rumbles down the driveway. Then we trade looks and laugh.

I rub my hands on my jeans. “I’ll finish the burgers. Do you like sweet potatoes?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Root veg is good for us. Plus they make killer fries and you have a fridge full of sauces I want to try.”

“The kranch will change your life.”

