Page 57 of Billionaire Boss

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He opened the door for me and gave the key fob to the valet before we stepped inside. It was a Michelin star restaurant, and it looked empty. I was awed by the golden decor and dark-red wallpaper that gave it a luxurious feel.

“Why is it empty?” I whispered in his ear when the server took us upstairs so we could have a balcony view of the city.

“Because I reserved it for today,” Damon replied, like it was the most casual thing ever.

“You booked an entire restaurant for… dinner?” I asked, wondering if he was okay in the head or not.




“Yes,” I replied, ordering my favorite red wine. “It’d be better to have some privacy from the paparazzi.”

Once the server left, I looked at Summer, and she was staring at me with a strange expression. I ignored it. She often had a strange expression on her face, and most of the time it’s because she’s daydreaming. It was cute. But I’d never ever tell that to her.

“Have you decided what you want to eat?” I asked, already decided what I wanted to have.

“Who the fuck eats a hundred-dollar lasagna?” she asked, checking the price and closed the menu. “I can’t. It’s giving me anxiety.”

I straightened up. “I can decide for you if that’s okay?”

Fuck. I didn’t want to overwhelm her with choices or anything.

Did I go overboard?

Should I cancel the next reservations for the day?

“Yes, please order for me,” she replied and looked over at the scenery. I sighed internally and watched her gather her hair in a small bun and clip it with a hair accessory, a few of the hairs framing her delicate face.

I swallowed and looked down at the menu. I was glad I had booked the entire restaurant so that no one could see how beautiful Summer Hayes looked in real life.

I ordered our food and enjoyed our wine. I swirled it in the glass and said, “It’s my turn to ask a question.”

Summer nodded. “Ask away!”

I took a sip of the bittersweet wine and asked, “What happened on the night of your prom when you went to Vixen?”

I saw how a wall came up and she physically pulled away, leaning back on the chair. It must have been something serious that she took a huge gulp of wine before looking at me. “Are you sure you want to know? It’ll dull the moment.”

“Yes, I want to know.”

Summer stared at the candlelight on our table and sighed. “I… well. My prom date was Garrett. He had asked me, and I said yes to him because we were still dating. Unfortunately. Anywho, me, Em and Mia dressed up together, went to the school gym, and Garrett was nowhere to be found.”

I noticed how the light dimmed in her eyes as she continued, her voice low, as if she was embarrassed. “I went to look for him, and he was in the locker room with his football team and friend. They had snuck in some alcohol and were drinking it.” She swallowed and crossed her arms as if she was hugging herself. “I overheard him talking about how I was in bed. That… that I was a bitch in heat, and he was sure I had whored myself to other guys before.”

“Jesus, Summer.”

She cracked a small smile. “Yeah. He even told them he’d ask me later that night if I wanted to fuck his team, so I left. I couldn’t face Emma and Mia because they’d ask about Garrett, and they’d know something happened. I didn’t want to go home because my parents would question it while I just wanted to be alone. So, I came to Vixen. A sex club.”

She chuckled, trying to hide how vulnerable she felt.

I held her hand and rubbed her knuckles. “I wish you had told me this that night.”

“It was nothing.”

“It wasn’t nothing, Summer,” I said, reeling back my anger. I should have punched him in the face when I saw him. “I would have helped you.”
