Page 195 of Finch

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sure and strong. A Drake through and through. Hugh couldn’t be more proud. “He will have

everything he wants, and so will you. I will take care of you both to my last breath, Finch. I

swear it.”

“I have no doubt that you will.”

All three were silent after that. Hugh rested his head on Finch’s shoulder and watched

Theodore fall asleep. It was hard to believe that this was his life now—that after so many years

of unhappiness, not only had he found the family he’d been so desperately seeking, but the

love of his life as well. His darling, beloved, irreplaceable Finch would be his forever, and at

his side, Hugh would learn to be a better man than he’d ever been before. A better dragon,

too. Simply better as a whole. And all due to Finch’s influence.

“What now?” Hugh asked when want of sleep began to prickle the backs of his eyelids. “I don’t

want to let Theodore out of my sight, but I could use a nap, and I’m sure you could, too.”

“Place him in the bassinet,” Finch said.

In retrospect, as beautiful as the nursery looked, it’d been foolish to set up Theodore’s

accommodations in a separate room. Geoffrey and Ian had been kind enough to carry in the

necessities during their visit, insisting Hugh would want to keep Theodore close. They hadn’t

been wrong. Hugh was especially glad for their generosity now as he laid Theodore down to


“Is it okay to leave him there on his own?” Hugh asked as he settled into bed. “I placed him on

his back, like you said, and there’s nothing in there with him. That should be enough, shouldn’t

it? I haven’t forgotten anything? I—”

Finch hushed Hugh with a tender kiss that didn’t end until Hugh physically relaxed.

“He will be fine,” Finch told him as he tucked in close to Hugh and wove their legs together.

“You’ve done everything right. All that’s left to do is hold me.”

If their son hadn’t been in the room, Hugh would have done more than that, but he was a family

man now, so he wrapped Finch in his arms and let his mate get comfortable.

“I love you, Finch,” Hugh whispered into Finch’s dark hair as they fell asleep. “You’ve made

me the happiest dragon in the world.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Finch said, a smile in his voice. “Being with you has made me

uncommonly happy, too.”
