Page 157 of Breaking Trey

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“You might be dragging something,” the man said.

Oh shit. She had the car less than a few days, and she’d already broken it. Dahlia forced a smile and waved. “Thank you.” She pulled into a gravel lot with an abandoned, beaten-down building growing vines on the front of it. She threw the car in park and jumped out, rounding the back bumper.

The only way she’d see underneath was if she got down on the ground. She scanned the concrete, hoping she wasn’t going to wind up with dog shit on herself. Ironically, that should have been the least of her worries.

Dahlia bent on her knees, flattening out into a laying position, trying to keep from making too much contact with the ground. It was dark, and she couldn’t see much.

“I need a flashlight,” she muttered to herself.

“Here you go,” the deep voice sent a chill up her spine, and she jerked up.

But she wasn’t quick enough. She turned her head and saw the flashlight striking at her from the hand of a tall figure. She didn’t even have time to brace herself as it slammed against the side of her head and cheekbone. Dahlia slammed against the gravel and collapsed, unable to find her bearings or see much of anything. Her vision clouded, her ears rang, and the side of her face throbbed.

“Get her in the van.” It was the last thing she heard as warm liquid dripped down her face.

Then, she saw black.


Trey had been in his office for the last hour finalizing the gun trade details. Oz had already reached out to Ace at Killcreek to set up a meeting. As far as Trey knew, they were interested. Rogue was still being a bastard, but they’d find a way to make it work.

The knock on his door had him glancing across the room to Aaron and Sloane standing in the doorway.

“Do you have a minute?” Sloane asked.

Trey resisted his urge to roll his eyes. Nothing with Sloane ever took just a minute. He turned in his seat and waved them inside. He’d be clear with his time restraint. Not that it ever mattered to this woman.

“No, so be quick.”

Aaron stepped in front of Sloane. Hopefully, he’d take the lead on this conversation rather than her.

“Have you heard from Dahlia?”

Trey had made his connection known throughout the Underground, but at the club, it was still left to people making assumptions and a few rumors. He assumed Aaron was in the know, but he wasn’t aware of Sloane’s knowledge. It was possible Dahlia had shared, and at this point, it didn’t really matter. It would be public knowledge soon enough.

Trey furrowed his brows. “She’s working bar one tonight.”

Aaron glanced over at Sloane, who seemed unusually quiet. “Right, but she’s not here. She hasn’t shown up.”

Trey glanced down at his phone, taking account of the time. It was past eight, with her shift starting at seven. It was possible she’d gotten stuck in traffic, but Dahlia would have called.

“She hasn’t called?”

Sloane stepped forward, clear distress written over her features.

“No, and I’ve been trying her phone, but it goes straight to voicemail each time.”

Trey hadn’t seen Dahlia since the morning. As far as he knew, she was coming in for inventory and had a shift starting at seven.”

“Did she show up for the inventory?”

Sloane nodded. “Yeah, but it ended a little after four. She said she was heading home to shower and get something to eat. And umm…” Sloane rushed forward, pressing her hand against his desk. “Trey, I gave her the keys to stop by my house to pick up the payroll worksheets. When she didn’t show up at seven, I got worried and asked my neighbor Trini to go over to my house and see if Dahlia had picked them up. They were still there. Dahlia never made it to my house. Something’s not right.”

Trey stood, rounding his desk, feeling his chest tighten. He’d tried calling Dahlia earlier, but it had gone to voicemail, too. He hadn’t thought too much at the time and figured she’d pop in his office when she arrived for her shift.


Chapter Thirty
