Page 9 of Sunshine

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Greg bristled at the name. “Listen, you arrogant, halfbreed dog—”

Remi flinched at the slur, and the Hellhound finally looked up, frowning at him, as Greg cursed and rubbed at his eyes. A hollow ache began to grow in his chest, and his eyes burned, making him grateful he hadn’t bothered to take off his own glasses, even if they weren’t as inscrutable as the Hellhound’s.

“Your Highness, I apologize. I didn’t mean—”

“It’s fine,” Remi said softly, looking back out his window but no longer seeing the city they were driving through on their way to his parents’ castle. “I know you didn’t.”

No one said anything the rest of the way, or at least Remi didn’t hear anything. He couldn’t hear anything above the screaming in his head.

Halfbreed. Halfbreed. Halfbreed.

* * *

The second the SUV stopped inside the wall that enclosed the castle and its grounds, Remi was out like a shot, unable to sit there and be still for another damn second.

He heard Greg call after him, but he ignored him, not worried about needing protection within his family’s walls. Nowhere else was he as safe as he was there—and nowhere else was he as suffocated.

He found the first person he could who’d know where his parents were—one of his mother’s handmaidens arranging flowers in one of the eighty million sitting rooms—then took off for the library. So lost in his own thoughts, he was almost there before he noticed the silent shadow behind him. He assumed it was Greg trailing him, but when he turned his head to glance back, he was unexpectedly relieved to see it was the Hellhound instead.

Then he was annoyed.

“I don’t actually require a nanny,” he snapped. “Go find Sadie and Percy.”

He didn’t react, simply continuing to follow Remi as he stormed up the stairs. Which was fine. He planned on getting the rude man fired as soon as possible, so best he spend as little time with Remi’s siblings as possible.

As he burst into the library, fury driving out the lingering hurt and awkwardness from the car ride, he zeroed in on where his mother was speaking to her personal assistant while flipping through correspondences on a tray in her lap. His father wasn’t immediately visible, but he knew he was probably searching the farthest corners of the bookshelves for something he hadn’t already read.

“This is ridiculous,” Remi snapped, storming toward his mother. “I can’t get pulled back home every time some rando decides to take a crack at me. That’s literally what Greg and the others are for. They can handle things just fine.”

His mother smiled up at her assistant. “Can you give us a moment, Jennette?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Jennette gave him a soft look on her way past.

Once she closed the door behind her, the queen rose from her seat and approached him, wrapping him in a firm hug. Despite his anger and annoyance, he couldn’t help but sink into the embrace, reveling in the strength of her hold and her calming ocean scent.

When she stepped back, he did his best to hold on to his frustration and straightened his spine. Her indulgent smile made his cheeks burn and throw a glance at the looming Hellhound, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention to them, eyes scanning the two-story room in a familiar way.

“I know you’re upset, dear,” his mother began, her lilting voice further soothing his agitation. Even without using her Voice, she had a calming effect on those around her. “However, your father and I will not take any chances when it comes to your safety.”

“Which is why I walk around campus with a four-person detail,” he said, trying to match her steady calm. “I am safe there.”

The Hellhound snorted derisively behind him.

Ire rising once more, he pointed at the annoying man. “And why did you send the nanny to meet me at the airport? I’m not a child.”

Her opal brows furrowed. “What are—”

“But also, he’s a terrible choice for the twins. He’s rude and obnoxious. What was wrong with their old nanny? Heather? Feather? Twig? Whatever her name was—she was much nicer and knew how to speak to—”

“Remington,” his mother finally interrupted, gaze darting back and forth between him and the Hellhound. “Mr. Avril isn’t the nanny. His company does personal protection and security as well as investigates threats. They have been brought on to help us deduce how credible a threat this latest attack is. Mr. Avril will be staying at the castle and providing protection services to the family, in addition to our current guards.”

Remi stared at her, a loud buzzing in his ears.

Finally, he asked softly, “He’s not the nanny?”

“No, dear.”

“He’s a new bodyguard?”
