Page 84 of Sunshine

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Oz ignored the angry sound, holding on even tighter. “There were people on campus saying you were dead. Gods, I just… The team filled me in though.”

Remi stepped back and rubbed the back of his neck, feeling like absolute shit. “I know you always hated Thad. I wish I hadn’t been so blind to how awful he was.”

Oz shook his head hard, grabbing one of Remi’s hands and squeezing. “Don’t do that. How could you have ever guessed he was capable of something like this?”

“Actually, Ozias was the one who pointed us toward some not-so-legal dealings the senator was involved in,” Knight said, staring at where Oz was holding his hand still. “That information has been helpful in getting Sunshine released quickly.”

Oz flushed a little, glancing at the Vampire out of the corner of his indigo eyes. Remi did his best to hide his surprise at the unusually shy behavior. “I’m glad I was able to help, and I’ve always told you I understood why you were friends with him.”

“I still should have listened,” Remi said, angry at himself. “If I’d pulled my head out of my ass…”

“Don’t,” Oz said softly. He squeezed Remi’s hand once more before backing away. “I just needed to see for myself that you’re okay. The only thing I wanted to say I told you so about was that new mate of yours.”

Remi laughed and rubbed at his face. “Even as it was happening to me, I didn’t believe it.”

“But you do now, don’t you?” Oz pressed. “I can sense you’re bonded. Truly bonded.”

Truly bonded. The words settled something in him, and he nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about that either,” Remi told him very quietly, aware of their audience.

Oz smiled at him, glancing once more at Knight before clearing his throat and saying, “I wouldn’t have hated if it was you. But I think the fates made the right choice. I don’t know Jeremiah well, but it’s obvious you’ll never want for anything, including love, and you deserve a mate like that, Rem.”

He had no idea what to say. Those were strange words coming from his ex, who had always been a little… standoffish. But now that he knew the truth, he understood. If he’d believed it when he met Oz, nothing between them would have ever happened because nothing could compare to what it felt like being with the person fate chose.

“We need to go,” Knight broke in before Remi could decide how to respond. When Remi looked up, he saw his gaze was locked on Oz, a little unnerving in its intensity.

There was a strange feeling in the air, almost like static electricity, and then Oz dropped his eyes and took a step back, and the moment shattered.

What the hell?

“See you around,” Oz said, and he was out the door before anyone could move.

Priest walked over a second later, but Knight shook his head, avoiding the arm Priest aimed to throw over his shoulders. “Do not.”

Priest held his hands up and stepped back. “Hey, I wasn’t—”

“No,” Knight snapped. “Just… Just don’t, Priest. Let’s go.”

Priest backed up, and Remi was far too tired and far too anxious to see Jeremiah to give a shit what was going on between them. He grabbed his phone and slipped into his running shoes without bothering to look for socks, and not two minutes later, he was in the back seat of one of their cars, speeding toward downtown and the police station.

* * *

Remi had about a thousand plans of how he was going to storm the building and rescue Jeremiah from the torturous clutches of humans when that second heartbeat started thudding wildly in his chest. He was sure something terrible was happening to Jeremiah.

Then they turned the corner, and the first thing Remi saw was his tall, gorgeous Hellhound in his gray sweats and bright white T-shirt just… standing there, leaning against the building column like he didn’t have a care in the world. Remi found himself reaching for the door handle before the car had even pulled up to the curb, and Priest had to slam on the brakes so Remi didn’t kill himself as he flung himself onto the pavement.

He might have actually fallen on his face too, but Jeremiah was just there, wrapping him in his arms and mouth on his before Remi could draw in a breath. The moment their lips touched, it was like the world had righted itself again. It was like nothing had ever been wrong.

Jeremiah dug fingers into his hair and wrenched his head to the side so he could lick along the bond bite, and Remi shuddered, groaning softly.

“You’re going to get arrested again, and we definitely can’t save you from public indecency charges,” Priest called out.

Jeremiah growled, but he pulled back, though he didn’t let Remi go. “There’s something to be said about being scolded by an Incubus Demon about public indecency.”

Remi laughed. “A well-fed one too, considering how well his shit worked on me a few hours ago.”

Jeremiah’s eyes flared brighter. “He did what to you?”

His entire voice was nothing but a growl, and it went straight to Remi’s dick.

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