Page 63 of Sunshine

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“Oh, no. He’ll keep them safe,” Jeremiah assured him, rubbing down Remi’s back and then cupping his ass. “The thing about Priest is he’s got very little impulse control, but he’s the most loyal asshole ever, so he makes up for it. He would die for those kids, don’t worry.”

“Has he ever… you know.”

Jeremiah raised a brow. “What?”

“You know… fed on you?” Remi’s stomach cramped uncomfortably just at the idea, so he wasn’t sure why he’d asked except that once the thought popped into his head, he had to know.

“No.” Jeremiah shook his head and kneaded Remi’s cheeks, though he wasn’t even sure the Hellhound was aware of it. “When we first started the Trident Agency—me, him, and Knight—I offered once, but he and Knight already had an arrangement to feed on each other. As far as I know, that ended a while ago. Knight… He has a hard time being touched, even by us, and that’s Priest’s preferred method, not dreams.”

“Not liking to be touched must make it hard for him to get enough blood,” he mused, too afraid to ask what had happened to make the Vampire so averse to it. He knew from Jeremiah that he and Priest had grown up in foster care and ended up on the streets together when things got too bad for them. They’d found Knight a few years later, not long after he’d been turned against his will.

“He uses Vamp banks.” Jeremiah shrugged, his whole body moving Remi with the motion. “Luckily, he can afford the insane prices they charge.”

Remi considered that, stacking his hands on Jeremiah’s chest and resting his chin on them. Like Hellhounds, Vampires didn’t have their own kingdom. They were considered inferior Supes because they were made from humans, infected with a virus from another Vamp, and then were forced to feed on others to survive. But unlike Demons like Priest who did the same, Vamps were looked down on for not being born as Supes.

It was all pretty ridiculous, in Remi’s opinion.

“Who does Priest feed on now?” he asked absently, still preoccupied with the idea that Knight had to pay an exorbitant fee to get bags of blood because of his past traumas. It just didn’t seem right.

“Mostly dancers at the Pearly Gates. He pays them well and always does it in a private room so Azriel doesn’t get in trouble and other customers don’t see.”

Remi gaped at him. “The strip club in Midlona?”

“You’ve been to the Pearly Gates?” Jeremiah’s eyes glowed, his fingers tightening where he still held Remi’s ass.

He snorted. “Yeah, the crown prince could totally just waltz in without being noticed. I’ve heard about it though. It’s right near the border by Averna—oh, and my favorite bookstore is, like, next door. The owner, Oliver, can get his hands on anything. First editions. Out of print. Doesn’t matter.”

“Oh, I’m familiar with Oliver,” Jeremiah said, rolling his eyes.

Jealousy ripped through Remi. The human was incredibly pretty and sweet—much nicer than Remi. Before his mind could run away with the idea, Jeremiah cupped his face and smiled gently at him.

“Gods, I can feel how upset you’re getting. I’ve never even been to the bookstore, but Priest… Let’s just say it’s a good thing Oliver isn’t a Supe, or he definitely would have noticed the light stalking.”

Remi’s eyes popped open. “Seriously? He’s got a thing for a human? Can he even, like, feed on humans?”

“Sure, but he doesn’t get as much strength and would need to feed more often.”

“More often? Aren’t Incubi already pretty insatiable?”

“Yes and no. If they bond—” He stopped and cocked his head. “Is that my phone or yours?”

Remi leaned over and found their pants on the floor, digging out their cells, and made a face when he saw Thad was calling him. “Ugh. I should take this. I haven’t really talked to him since I got back, and there’s some party coming up that he wants me to go to.”

Jeremiah’s face pinched in dislike, but he nodded and pressed a kiss to Remi’s temple as they sat up. “Okay, I’ll be in the office. Our postponed meeting starts shortly.”

Pushing to his feet, Remi stole one more kiss to try and erase some of the tension Thad’s name had caused. “Alright, Sunshine. Come find me in bed afterward.”

Jeremiah’s heated, glowing eyes followed him as he walked naked from the room, answering just before the call dumped into voicemail. “Hey.”

“Fucking finally!” Thad exclaimed, sounding pissed.

Remi frowned and softly shut the bedroom door behind him, ignoring Jeremiah’s low growl. “Excuse me?”

“I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for a week, asshole. You can’t ignore calls from brothers like that.” Thad’s scolding was like nails down a chalkboard and made him feel about three inches tall. “Unless you’re trying to get expelled from the fraternity…”

“No, of course not,” Remi said quickly, then grimaced. He’d joined Kappa Alpha Chi for the same reasons he’d decided to attend Hillsland: to forge his own identity.

But things had changed, and he was more and more sure the fraternity—and the friends he’d made there—weren’t the right fit for him anymore.
