Page 54 of Sunshine

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Jeremiah would have chalked it up to him being a brat—which he was—but he knew that wasn’t it. What happened in the pool a week ago had changed something between them, and he knew they both were feeling on edge, wanting the threat to be found but not wanting their time together to end. It was why he’d been finding the urge all week to whisk Remi off to some private island where no one could bother them.

He wanted to fuck Remi again—in every form the prince had. He wanted to dip his tongue into his slit and draw his cock out, sucking it until he couldn’t see straight. He wanted to spread his cheeks and lick his hole until Remi was crying and begging to come. He wanted to stare into his eyes as he drove into his body, not stopping until Remi passed out from exhaustion.

He wanted to worship him in every single way possible and then hold him as they slept so Remi would never feel unsafe, unloved, or unwanted ever again.

And that terrified him beyond all reason. He hadn’t signed up for that. He’d agreed to a well-paying job with people he wouldn’t mind owing his team.

Danger and even death came with the territory, but falling for a crown prince?

Jeremiah glanced over at his team and wished they’d actually want to do something practical—like eviscerate him for being so fucking foolish. But they all seemed to be enjoying this, and that made him want to throw himself into the sun.

Gods, maybe he was a little dramatic?

“—time to move on,” the queen said, and Jeremiah’s attention snapped back to her. By the gods, he could not afford this distraction.

“Are you saying you don’t want us to continue working this case?” Knight asked, darting a glance at Jeremiah. “The initial contract expires in a few days, but we’re willing to renew it and stay on this until we figure out who’s behind it.”

King James gave Jeremiah a knowing look that made his cheeks burn like he was a damn pup and then shook his head. “Not at all. We were hoping Jeremiah would be willing to accompany Remi to campus. We don’t trust that whoever’s trying to harm our family is gone, but they’re not going to make a move until they feel like he’s vulnerable. As much as we’d love to keep him safe and protected here forever, we know that just isn’t feasible. But putting a nearly indestructible Hellhound right next to him…”

Knight chuckled under his breath. “If you ever get tired of being king, we could use more strategic minds on our team.”

James laughed. “I think my wife might kill me if I took a job like that, but I appreciate it.”

Grace leaned forward and winked. “Ask me again next time he keeps me up all night with his snoring.”

Priest burst into laughter. “Amazing. I think I love you both. Can I pledge myself to your country?”

“If it were only up to me,” Grace said, eyes sliding to Remi and Jeremiah and smile turning sad, “my answer would be yes.”

But public perception and their fickle support could be a bitch. Jeremiah was far too aware of the way the world and its politics worked, thanks to his job, and it left a heavy stone sitting in his gut. He was falling in love—he could admit that to himself, at the very least. But there was no hope for him. For them.

Not with the crown standing in the way.

He swallowed heavily and said, “I want at least one of you here with the children when I leave.”

Priest’s hand shot in the air, a sly grin on his face. “I’d be happy to. So long as you don’t mind a Demon in the house.”

Grace smiled at him. “We’d be glad to have you. I hope you like cocoa. We’ve already forced it on Jeremiah.”

Priest lit up like a torch. “I love cocoa. Even more than his grumpy ass.”

“Then consider it your official invite,” she said. “Now, I’ll have one of our guards bringing back the twins, and—”

“I want to get them,” Remi cut in, speaking up for the first time. The room fell silent, and he crossed his arms, giving everyone a defiant stare. “I want to see them before I go. I… Anything could happen. And I trust this team, but I want to do this. Jeremiah can come with me.”

“They will be safe with us,” Jeremiah said, and Remi shot him a grateful look before turning his attention back to his parents.

“Please?” He straightened his shoulders. “But I’m not really asking.”

Grace sighed. “I don’t like the idea of all my children in one place with the threat against you. And if the press catches wind of anything…”

Jeremiah swallowed roughly at her implication, but Remi just bristled next to him.

“Fuck the press. All they do is attempt to make everyone in this family miserable, and they never waste an opportunity to remind me I have no business taking the throne,” Remi spat.

His mother gave him an unimpressed look, but when James opened his mouth, she held up her hand. “There might be consequences, but at worst, there will be some unflattering op-ed pieces.”

Jeremiah shifted uncomfortably, dropping his eyes to the table. He knew she wasn’t talking about pieces being written about Remi going to get the twins himself. She was warning the two of them of what could happen if they weren’t discreet.

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