Page 15 of Sunshine

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She started to giggle. “Yeah. He’s just nuffing. He’s not having cookies.”

“Sadie,” he said, drawing her name out with a warning. “Is Percy sneaking cookies?”

“Noooo…” She trailed off into a giggle, so he threw her on the bed and dug his fingers into her sides until she kicked him in the balls.

He fell over with a soft cry, and she took the opportunity to race past him as he gasped for air. A second later, there was heat and a looming presence and then a rush of mortification because he was lying on his side, cupping his junk.

“Felled by the little princess?” Jeremiah asked.

Remi flipped him off as he forced himself to breathe. “Let her kick you in the balls and see how well you hold up to it.”

Jeremiah’s lip twitched—nothing like a smile, but it was different from his scowl. “I’ll pass, but thanks.”

Remi stood up, straightening his shirt. “What do you want?” He felt a little angrier—a little sharper. Things had been weird since Jeremiah had put his hands all over Remi’s exposed body, claiming he needed to protect him from the sun. And Remi’s protests had died on the back of his tongue at the first sweep of Jeremiah’s hands, which were calloused in some places, soft in others, and so, so warm.

He’d been doing his best to forget. And failing miserably.

He really didn’t want to see Jeremiah right then. He was tired of looking at his stupid face. “Seriously, what do you want?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

Jeremiah fixed him with a flat look, apart from a single raised eyebrow. “We’re leaving.”

Remi barked a laugh. “Are you? That’s amazing. I guess wishes do come true. You’ll forgive me if I don’t see you out, but—”

“The car will be waiting for us out front in ten minutes,” the Hellhound interrupted.

Rolling his eyes, Remi turned away from him and walked to his mirror, running his fingers through his hair. The slight wave always sat better at home than it did where it was dry and terrible, and he hated that about this place. Yes, he’d eventually rule this gods-forsaken country that hated him for what he was, but a small piece of him had wanted to feel sanctuary somewhere else.

Though, he reminded himself, there was a whole world left to explore. He wasn’t out of luck yet. And hell, his parents were probably going to live for longer than he could really contemplate. Maybe he could just wait for the twins to get older and then abdicate.

It wasn’t the worst idea he’d had, but could he really do that to them? Leave them to the fate he’d been dreading and avoiding his whole life?

Looking over his shoulder, he breathed a sigh of relief to find Jeremiah gone. His presence was too overwhelming—too looming and dark and yet somehow light and comforting. It was the last fucking thing he wanted to feel when his glorified nanny was hovering over his shoulder.

He understood threats, but he was still convinced his parents were going too damn far. They didn’t need to disband his entire security team. And they sure as shit didn’t need to blame them for him getting away. Remi just wanted to have a normal life sometimes.

Taking a breath, he squared his shoulders and grabbed his phone before heading for the main hall. He could hear his siblings chattering away excitedly, so he pushed aside his melancholy and frustration for a smile because Sadie and Percy deserved better than his crappy mood.

When he came around the corner and started descending the stairs, Percy made a beeline for him but was stopped by Jeremiah’s hand. Remi felt a bubble of rage coursing through him, and he only just managed to bite it back as he reached the landing.

Sweeping Percy into his arms, he nuzzled his nose against his little brother’s cheek, making him laugh. “Ignore the big, mean dog,” Remi said.

Jeremiah’s expression didn’t change. He just gestured to the door, and Remi swept past him, heading for the waiting car. He set Percy in, then turned and grabbed Sadie, helping her into her seat. When Jeremiah tried to reach past him to help with their buckles, Remi elbowed him hard enough to make him grunt.

“Calm down, nanny. I’ve got this.”

Jeremiah said nothing, and Remi could feel the weight of his silence.

When the kids were secure, Remi slipped into the seat between them, and they each took one of his hands as Jeremiah climbed in next to the driver. The silence in the car felt like a heavy weight crushing his chest, but all he did was clear his throat and stare out the window, trying his best not to feel like a prisoner trapped in the life he’d been desperate to escape.

It took all of ten minutes to realize they were going to the beach.

The royals had a long stretch of semi-private land along the cove. Some of the lesser royals and titled Sirens had access to the area, but the guards usually cleared it out when Remi and his family went out for a day. Once upon a time, it had been one of his favorite things to do.

Now, he wished they’d left him home alone so he could wallow while the kids splashed through the shallows.


He turned to see Percy staring at him with his big, dark purple eyes.
