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She shakes her head, still staring at the fire.

“This wasn’t in my plans,” I say softly, trying to comfort her, but she doesn’t look away from whatever nightmares she’s seeing in the flames. Our evening had started perfectly, but with the disaster, near-death, and definite mood killer, it couldn’t have ended worse.

“Tell me, Bankston.” Captain Zaleski’s voice comes from behind me. “What were your plans? Did they involve the investigation I sent you here to finish because it doesn’t look like you’re cracking the case. It appears you’re creating new crimes to solve.”

Correction. Things absolutely just got worse.



After another long day, I head to the side entrance of the still closed Hack and Ale, where Tisia normally takes massive deliveries of beer and food. Not today. Not ever given how quickly the support to close Syn City seems to be growing. I knock twice, and the Gorgon opens the door to the kitchen. She hurries me inside and checks the alley again.

“Expecting someone else?” I ask.

She closes the door and locks it. “The marshals have been by here, your wolf and his captain asking questions about the day that the fights broke out. They wanted to know if anyone was here last night when the fire started. Devlyn and her Huntresses stopped by too, knocking over things and searching my bar and kitchen as if I had anything to do with that evil.” She waves her hand as if warding off the bad spirits, wafting white smoke between us.

This smoke doesn’t smell the same as that coming from the rubble of the hotel where most of us spent hours today helping to clear the debris. It’s sage and sandalwood. “You’re burning protective incense.”

“Horrors have come to our city. We’re lucky we didn’t lose children last night in that blaze. I’m no Fury destined for revenge, but I would take it if I knew who to go after for threatening those kids. Since I don’t, I’ll play whatever small part I can in keeping this space safe. Same as you. But they’re on a witch hunt, looking for whatever monsters they can find—real or imaginary.”

I instinctively pull my basket of herbs closer. For years, I guarded our family against humans afraid that our harmless and helpful spells might be a cover for something nefarious and corrupt. “What can I do to help?”

“You’re already doing it. Between the two of us, we should be able to craft a spell that counters the craziness happening around here.”

Which was why I stayed up all night going through my family’s grimoire, researching protection spells that had worked for my ancestors and what might’ve gone wrong in those that had failed. I’d hoped reviewing the spells and seeing Dr. Bomani again today might trigger a memory, but all I remember are times spent crafting spells with my parents and sisters with herbs from my last garden.

I open the basket and pull out bundles of herbs. “I collected these in the last hour.”

“Perfect. Harvesting in the waning moon right before the new will give us the extra boost of celestial power we need to manifest some good for our town.” Using Gorgon strength, she pulls a table laden with pots and dishes away from the far wall and pries a baseboard loose. “I couldn’t have them discovering my stash. It took me months to collect.” She tugs a cedar box loose. “Blessed sea salt, rose petals, white willow bard, silver, and mugwort.”

I lift a brow at the last. “Not just for drugging a wolf marshal’s beer then?”

“Nope. It’s good for warding off evil. Which means I guess your wolf isn’t that big and bad after all.” She gives me a naughty look. “Or he’s not entirely big and bad.”

“I’m not answering that. Here’s the lipstick and lotions you wanted. Thanks for helping me test the latest herbal additions to my cosmetics line although I’m not sure what the point is if Syn City shuts down.”

“The point is bringing a little witchy into everyone’s lives so they can all feel as beautiful as we do on the daily.” She pats her braids which we both know hold as much magic as my weapon to call when her immortal unleashes their powers. “Now tell me what you scored us for clearing and protection spells.”

I point to the herbs I stacked on the counter. “The innocuous—rosemary, lavender, peppermint, wormwood, and liverwort.” Unwrapping vials, I list the toxic and plain poisonous. “Deadly nightshade, hemlock, henbane, wolf’s bane.”

She whistles. “Let’s hope whoever set the hotel on fire never finds your garden. You’ve warded it, right?”

“Yes. Only my sisters can pass through the spells.” And Nolan. I don’t mention the last because the mere thought has my face flushing with the memory of him licking between my thighs.

“Good. Someone puts a flame to your garden, and we’ll be breathing the poison fumes for years.”

“Only the guilty. I wove it into the wards.”

Tisia goes still. “You’ve lost a garden before?”

“The Huntresses threatened to do it again.” My words come out quiet but they boom in the silence of the closed pub.

“Destroying a green witch’s garden is the same as killing a loved one.” She touches my hand. “I’m so sorry.”

“They murdered me and my whole family. It wasn’t as if I could mourn plants.” But I did. A vision flashes in my mind—blood staining my garden back home, the herbs having been ripped out and their roots exposed. A memory? I can’t be sure. I haven’t slept and I spent hours with the grimoire. Looks like I’ll need to schedule yet another session with Dr. Bomani.

Tisia gives me a knowing look that suggests she sees too much. “Have you grieved your family? I don’t mean the revenge and anger part that comes with being a Fury, but the rest of it? I know you Furies don’t like to talk feelings other than smash, kill, avenge. But we’re friends, right? Sisters in witchiness?”
