Page 168 of Mafia Grace

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The massive gates showed up in front of my Jeep and I didn’t stop, I was too worked up. I drove straight through, the sounds of metal scraping on metal hurting my ears. When I made it to the door, I got out the car and looked around. No man was anywhere to be seen. Giovani had cleared my path.

I went to the trunk and pulled out my knives and a loaded Uzi. The firearm was brand new, bought from a nomad Russian dealer. I was saving it for something, and Fabiano Caputo’s head was the perfect trophy.

The door was unlocked, so I walked through it like I owned the place, just in time to see Fabiano trying to put bullets in his hand gun. He was shirtless, his hairy back turned to me, and Ariana Bernoulli was next to him, desperately trying to hide her nakedness with a towel. It looked like I caught them in the middle of the action.

My anger blocked my throat and I couldn’t form words, but I growled like a wolf ready to bite off the prey’s head and Fabiano froze. He turned slowly with the gun pointed at me.

“You were always more brave than smart, Salvatore. I tried to teach you.”

“Put the gun down, Caputo. Your arms will hurt from holding it up and it won’t stop me from sending you to God.”

He decided to keep pushing, trying to intimidate me.

“I don’t know how you got into my house, but you won’t walk out, son.”

I smiled. There was no fun in fighting a man who didn’t give something in return. I welcomed Fabiano’s threat head on.

“When I married your daughter, I made a vow. That if a drop of her blood will be spilled, I will shed rivers in return. Are you ready for the flood, motherfucker?”

“This is about Grazia?”

“It’s always about Grazia. All my life is about her and you two,” I moved the gun in between the old don and his whore, “you tried to take her from me.”

“W-what?” His face was blank.

“Her.” I nodded to Ariana. “She paid your lackey to shoot my wife down, like she was a deer getting hunted.”

“W-what?” He repeated like a fucking parrot. “Ariana, what did you do?”

The woman was shaking, her skin white, like someone had cut her throat and let all the blood out.

“S-she was not… he said he’d scare her. I d-d-didn’t know.”

Fabiano’s attention turned to Ariana.

“You paid someone to kill my daughter?”

“I did it for us. I did it foryou.” She was scrambling to justify her actions. “He insulted you and I. Someone had to do something.”

Fabiano’s hand slapped her clean across the face. “You don’t get to run my family just because you share my bed.”

“I had to do something! She always wins! Someone had to put that little bitch in her place once and for all!”

He hit her again, and this time I had to stop him. I had no compassion for Ariana, she’ll get her punishment soon enough, but I wasn’t here to lose time.

I flexed my finger on the trigger and shot Fabiano in the back of his leg. He went to the floor like a rock, yapping and dropping the gun in shock.

“You shot me.”

I ignored him.

“Ariana, sit on the couch.”

“I-I-I… what are you going to do? You… you can’t. We’ve been friends forever. Salvatore, you’ve known me since we were kids.”

I had no patience left. I opened fire on the ceiling and she started crying.

“Sit down on the fucking couch before I lose my shit.Adesso[61]!” She listened this time and I crouched over Fabiano who was rolling in his own blood.
