Page 13 of Mafia Grace

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I looked around the slick dashboard and then at Salvatore. “I’m not really impressed.” I told him with a shrug.

“It costs half a million. It’s hard to please you, Grazi.”

“I like the Maserati better.”

“You want it?” I dismissed him with a laugh, but Salvatore didn’t let it go. “If you want it, it’s yours. I’ll have it sent to you tomorrow.”

“Idon’twant it.”

“Why not? You can drive.”

“Babbodoesn’t want me driving and how would I even explain getting it.”

“Say it’s from me.”

I threw my hands in the air.

“What’s gotten into you today?”

“Don’t you want to be with me?” He sparred my question with a different one.

Did I want to be with him? My heart was bleeding every minute we were apart, but it was a pain I had to learn to live with. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Then why are you fighting me on this?”

“What are we even fighting about?” There was nothing to debate here. Things were the way they were. Our families were divided by an anger that couldn’t be washed away.

When Adrian Fiori will die, Salvatore will step in the place that was being kept for him, asDonof his family, but when my dad will be no more, my brothers will carry both his legacy and his hate. It will never stop. We were doomed to be apart and we both knew it. Why Salvatore felt like putting salt on open wounds, I had no idea.

“Grazia, listen to me…” Whatever it was, I really didn’t want to.

“Just drive me home, please. I’m in a hurry already.”


“I’m going out tonight.” His hands clenched on the steering wheel until I heard the leather making a cracking sound. He didn’t ask a question, but sure as hell was expecting an answer. “I’m going to a club with Ariana and Pina. Tomorrow is Ari’s birthday.”

Ariana and Pina Bernoulli were my closest friends. Ok, they were my only friends. Growing up between seven brothers, Delfina and Salvatore, I really didn’t need any other people. Ari, Pina, and I were close because our families were. So much in fact, Ariana was my mother’s goddaughter and wearing her name, so in many ways, they were family.

“A club, huh? Which one?”

“I don’t know yet.” I just didn’t want to tell him and get some soldier of his on my tail all night.

“Sure you don’t.” He didn’t believe me for a second. “How old is Ariana now? Twenty-four?”

“Twenty-five tomorrow.”

“Damn, she’s really grown up.”

I looked out the window. “She used to have a crush on you.” Ariana never said it to my face, but she and Salvatore were closer in age and every time she came around and he was there, I caught her drooling over him. More than once I wanted to slam her face into the table because of it. There was something in the way she looked at him that rubbed me the wrong way. He was a man that turned the heads of women, it always happened, but Ariana didn’t just look with admiration; her eyes carried possession. I never appreciated the way she looked at what was mine.Used to be mine.

“Are you telling me this because you want me to be her present or what?” I slapped his chest. “Ouch. It was a joke, Grazi.”

He made it to my house and parked in his usual spot, but this time, when I stepped out of the car, so did he.

“Salvatore, what the hell are you doing?”

“Saying goodbye.” He chained my waist with his strong arms and I felt all his hardness pressed against me. Salvatore wasn’t just good looking, he was buffed, every inch of his body worked in the gym until his muscles turned into stone. His beauty could put gods to shame.
