Page 118 of Mafia Grace

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“I know. This is all so… I’m so sorry. What she did… Ari… no one can believe she moved into your father’s house. My parents can’t leave the house because of the shame they feel.”

Moved? Into his house?Ariana was living in my house? Flash images of the Spanish court and the rose garden my mother planted came rushing to my head and now to think Ariana was there… the nausea took over my stomach and I grabbed onto the sink counter to keep myself on my feet.

“Pina, none of that matters right now. I need you to do me a big favor.”


“I’m going to text you an address and I need you to come pick me up. Fast.”

“Umm, ok. Salvatore didn’t give you a car?”

“I need to get to Guido’s club without him knowing.”

“Oh.” Yeah, that was about right.

“I know it’s a lot to ask from you.”

“No, it’s not. I’m already in the garage. Text me where I have to be.”

“Thank you.” I said in one breath and finished the call so I could text her.

I had less than ten minutes until Salvatore would start looking for me, so I had to think fast.

There had to be a way I could get out of here without anyone noticing me and I had to find it fast. The front door was out, because Pietro had a clear view from his spot at the table, but the house had a garden, so there had to be a side door. I didn’t see any guards when we came in, but there were cameras in the driveway, so my safest bet was to jump over the fence.

Damn it, Grazia Paulina, this is a bad idea.

It’s stupid and reckless, and dangerous.

Guido is my brother, yes, but I had no guarantee he won’t slap me across the room when I show up at his door.

Plus, Salvatore is going to break my neck when I return.

There is a chance I might get out of here, but he’ll know what I did and he will be furious.

I still have to try and do something.

The thoughts poured into my mind cascading in a fraction of a second. I knew what I was doing and I knew that I would have to face my husband’s rage, but at the end of the day he had to understand that the call of blood was just as strong as the love I carried for him in my heart.

I snuck back into the hallway and started moving deeper into the house, looking for a way out. I spent years glued to the barre to perfect walking on my pointes, and never once had I thought that I would use this skill to sneak around like a thief, but here I was, doing it twice in the same day.

It didn’t take me long to find the other exit. Pietro’s house wasn’t so big and it was a classic Italian building. Most of them were built the same. I snuck into the back yard and didn’t lose any time to check around me if there were more cameras or any people, I just ran to the fence and jumped over it. I was grateful Pietro decided on a metal one that was easy to climb, nothing like the fortress concrete walls that were surrounding the Fiori house.

I only had to jog ten minutes before Pina called to tell me she was close to the neighborhood. She must have broken every speeding limit known to man to come all the way across town so fast and we were both lucky that she wasn’t stopped by the police.

When I spotted her cherry red convertible, I exhaled, feeling relief.

“There you are.” She said when I jumped in the passenger seat.

“Drive. Salvatore’s probably looking for me already.”

She pushed the gas all the way down to the floor and got lost in traffic onViale della Regione.

“Where are we going, Grazia?”

“Guido’s strip club. It’s inPallvicino. I don’t know the address, but I remember how to get there. I’ll give you directions.”

“What the hell is going on?”

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