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I’m still coming down from my own orgasm when both Sully and Matthew finish inside me. The physical and emotional impact is overwhelming as they hold me tightly in the very last moments, fucking me deep and hard, thrusting and filling me to the brim, freeing themselves as our bodies and souls merge together. My lips are still closed around Jason’s cock, and the entire moment is divinely sublime. It’s unbelievable.

My mind is liberated. My body is scattered into trillions of sparkles across the universe. My pussy is tender and swollen and beyond sated. My heart is singing a concerto of its own as we ride this devastating wave, as we surrender to the fate and melt into each other, losing our senses and our minds in the process.

I know without a shadow of a doubt I want more of this, forever.

More tonight, and every night that I have left to breathe in this world. It’s gone beyond physical with us—we’re bonded in something amazing together, deep and emotional, instinctive and organic. It’s more than just a fling. It takes trust and intimacy, it takes a special kind of… love, perhaps...? for me to open up like this, to let these men sweep me off my feet, to let them dominate me into this reckless submission until I’m all theirs.

“I’m all yours,” I moan as the afterglow glazes our naked, sweaty bodies in the shimmering moonlight that slips through the window. “All yours.”

“You are,” Matthew whispers.

“Ours,” Sully adds.

“Forever,” Jason sighs deeply.

Forever. What a sweet and dangerous word that can be. Screw going back to Providence anytime soon, that concept flew out the window the moment I opened the bedroom door.Forever. A hard word to believe. Tonight I choose to believe it, though. Tonight I’m theirs, all theirs. Tonight and forever.



We got deep so fast.

I thought Cynthia’s unexpected return had most certainly destroyed everything, but Selina surprised me last night. I didn’t expect her to ask for it, for all of us, for everything we wanted to give her from the very beginning. But then she did, even putting on that gorgeous lace set I got her. It was meant to be a treat, something to boost her self-confidence, something for her to wear at some point this winter. I didn’t imagine she’d use it as fuel for the colossal amount of courage it took for her to ask.

Last night was unreal—better than anything I’ve ever experienced before. Selina makes Cynthia become part of a faded memory from a past I no longer wish to revisit. I am not in the habit of making comparisons, yet I can’t help but notice how much more of a woman Selina can be, even when she’s at the lowest point in her life. She is perfectly attuned to all of us in body, mind, and spirit. Selina functions on the same frequency as we do, a vibrating supernova upon which Sully, Jason and I are fortunate enough to feed, to thrive on, to grow on.

She makes me want to be a better man. I never imagined I’d feel this way about a woman again. Cynthia damn near destroyed me and my friendship with the guys. I shake my head slowly as Jason comes over to the kitchen counter with a fresh pot of coffee. It’s not even 7 o’clock yet, but none of us could sleep any longer. We left Selina upstairs in the master bedroom. She needs all the shuteye she can get after the work she put in. A good woman deserves her rest.

“What are we going to do about Cynthia?” Sully asks. He’s been sulking by the window for the better part of the morning. “She won’t be going away anytime soon.”

“Last night was just the beginning,” Jason sighs, settling on a stool next to me.

I can feel his gaze fixed on my face, reading my micro-expressions to try and figure out where my head’s at. Half of my brain is still focused on the goddess sleeping in the master bedroom. I can still feel myself inside her, pulsating as her heat envelops me, as her unspoken love floods my heart. But the other half is gazing toward the wretched past that almost destroyed us last night.

“We’re going to have to be careful however we proceed,” I finally reply.

Outside, a lazy sun is rising over the woods, blades of morning light cutting across the snow. Rebellious flakes linger before the occasional gust of northern wind scatters them away. There’s a snowfall coming, but we still have a few days before the first blizzard hits. It’s going to be a rough winter up here, though I don’t mind it. Hell, I’d rather we get snowed in. For months. That way, Selina doesn’t have to go anywhere and Cynthia stays away, ideally snowed in at her own place, half-a-mile away which in blizzard snow is sort of the equivalent to an uncrossable ocean. I think we’ll hit the slopes again later. I need to get some of this anxiety out of my veins before we settle back with Selina by the fire tonight.

“However we proceed?” Jason asks, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

“Well, it’s not like we can pack up and leave,” I reply dryly. “I’m not letting anybody run us out of this place, not when Selina needs it so badly. Not when she needs us so badly. Granted, we also clearly need her.”

Sully nods once. “Then what are our options? Cynthia will come over on Friday for dinner with… what’s-his-face.”


“Some doofus who has no idea what he’s getting himself into,” I say, shaking my head in dismay.

Jason chuckles bitterly. “What are the odds that she’s really with this guy? That she has actual feelings for him.”

“Slim to none.” Sully agrees. “She wasn’t good to us, she wasn’t good for us. We weren’t good for her, either. At the end of the day, we only have the four of us to blame. But she was fixated on us and judging by her demeanor last night I really can’t see Lance sticking around for much longer. He seemed like a ruse for Cynthia to integrate herself back into our lives. And the fact that she just happened to have ‘crossed paths’ with Selina earlier in the day has me doing a double take here.”

“Yeah, I’m not buying the accidental encounter either” I say.

“Alright, so the question remains the same. How the hell do we handle this? Our relationship with Cynthia was beyond toxic. It could’ve ended much worse, and we all know it. It was a frickin’ trainwreck from beginning to end, and now she’s circling back, hungry for more. How do we protect ourselves, and how do we protect Selina from her?”

I give Jason a long and tired look. “We can’t exactly tell Selina the truth. We share a lot of the blame here, and frankly, I don’t want to lose her because of what happened with Cynthia.”
