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Careful not to get any of the pages wet, I flip open the diary and pick up right where I left off. I paused right after the hot tub episode, so I’m dying to know what else she did with them. The more I read, however, the clearer the differences between Cynthia and me become. She was brave and uninhibited, completely open to everything they wanted to give her. Though I want the same, I just don’t know how to ask for it. “We spent the past couple of days skiing. I’m quite good, though nowhere near as skilled as Matthew,” Cynthia writes in swirly letters and hard-pressed punctuation. “They have been nothing but warm and funny, and extremely affectionate. Our night in the hot tub has certainly changed things for the better between us. Sully is pretty intense, and sometimes I feel like he doesn’t enjoy sharing me as much as the other guys, but he plays along. It’s the only way that this is going to work between us. I do like it when he gets a little jealous, though. That’s when he starts to pull my hair and yank my head back. He loves biting me, with just enough force to leave hickeys here and there. I wear them like badges of honor.”

I pause and glance down at my shoulder where Sully’s mark lingers from last night. It’s a crimson cloud that makes my core quiver as I remember the way he claimed me, the way he bent me over and filled me to the brim, the hot water lapping at our naked bodies while I took everything he had to give me. Almost automatically, I keep one hand on the diary, holding it up so I can continue to read while my other hand goes downward.

There is pressure gathering between my legs, and the lavender bath water is making me loosen up, maybe a little too much. I need some self-care while Cynthia tells me about her night.

“After dinner, we settled in the living room to play cards. Jason is an excellent Texas Hold ’Em player, but I’m better. He didn’t know that, and when Sully and Matthew realized what was going on, they decided to up the stakes with a game of blind kissing. The winner of the pot would be on the receiving end of anonymous kisses. They’d have to guess who did the kissing. If they failed, they’d be kissed again and again until they get it right. Naturally, I won the poker game, and Matthew took out one of his silk ties to cover my eyes. I was already hot and my panties were already drenched.

“They took turns, and I had to rely solely on their scents to try and figure out who was kissing me. I purposely said the wrong name a couple of times so they would kiss me again. I don’t know how long it was before Matthew caved in and nearly ripped the clothes off me so he could eat my pussy whole. I was blind-folded the whole time as they took turns kissing that set of lips, too. I was more than eager and happy to feel their tongues lapping and testing my folds. My clit was as swollen as a kidney bean, begging for attention.”

Wow. I need a deep breath as my fingers find my own nub all tender and ready to cause a chain reaction through my whole body. I imagine the entire scene but I place myself at the center of it, not Cynthia. I imagine being on my knees, breasts pressed against the couch as Matthew grabs me by the ass and dives right in. The memory of that night at the hotel makes it infinitely easier for me to pleasure myself while dreaming of his tongue sliding and flicking and pressing in all the right places.

“I lost count of the orgasms they gave me before I felt Jason’s cock going in and spreading me wide,” Cynthia writes. “Matthew got underneath so I’d straddle him. I had two of them inside me, and it was incredible. I couldn’t even move as both Matthew and Jason fucked me deep and hard, stretching me beautifully while Sully had my mouth. I’ve never done something so insane and so wonderful, so depraved and so intimate at the same time. It was incredible. They shared me, they took turns, they flipped me every which way and I took every single drop of their passion until the four of us passed out on the furry carpet by the fireplace. It was so hot and liberating… I want more.”

As the orgasm rocks me to the core, as the ripples flow outward and I hear myself moan with pleasure, I understand that I, too, want more. More of them.Allof them. The diary drops to the floor as I rub my clit into a sweet madness until I’ve squeezed every drop of my yearning, if only for a few hours before dinner comes along. And then, I will tell them. I just need to summon up the courage to do it.

Damn you, Cynthia, for making me want something so badly that I’m ready to renounce my old and rather shy ways. But on the other hand, thank you, for pulling me out of my comfort zone. I needed this.

* * *

The more I get to know Matthew, Sully, and Jason, the more fascinated I am by how different and yet alike they are. Their personalities are remarkably distinct—Matthew embodies leadership, so balanced, reserved, and cautious, keenly aware of what he says and how he says it, making it hard for me to figure him out; Jason is sunny and lighthearted, carefree and playful, but there’s still a wounded side of him, one that he doesn’t show to just anyone; and Sully, damn, he’s like a storm in a jar, all that intensity just aching to be unleashed somehow, to consume and obliterate everything in its path. But together, they’re in perfect balance.

Kind, courteous, naughty as hell.

Jason cooked dinner tonight. A generously-sized pot roast with rosemary potatoes and a yogurt dip that I can’t get enough of. The dessert was store-bought but well chosen—a raspberry trifle that goes perfectly with the white wine we’ve sampled so far. I had assumed I’d stuff myself full, given how hungry the ski slope had made me earlier, but the little self-pleasing episode in my bathtub kind of clamped down on my appetite. I don’t mind, though. Something tells me I’m getting some savage treatment later, and I’m looking forward to being sated in an entirely different kind of way.

“You’ll master the slopes eventually,” Matthew laughs as Jason recounts my fifth fall, bringing me back into the moment.

I’d lost count of how many times my ass landed the wrong way, but Jason had clearly been keeping track. “Either that, or the slopes will master me,” I reply with a giggle and finish my glass of wine.

“You actually did good out there,” Sully says as he offers me a generous refill.

“You did,” Jason insists. “Others usually give up after the first or second fall, but you stuck it out, like a brave soldier.”

I shrug, my cheeks burning while my gaze wanders across the dinner table. They’re all wearing loungewear in different shades of gray, dark green, and navy blue. Their sexy, square jaws are dusted with five o’clock shadows, and fatigue shades their eyes. But there’s also a hunger in them that has been keeping my blood flowing at higher temperatures than usual—my body responds before my mind even has a chance to process their overwhelming presence.

“Thank you. I tried my best. And Jason, you’re a terrific instructor. So incredibly patient.”

“You made it fun,” he says with a wink.

“By falling on my ass in every possible way, yeah, I know,” I reply, returning the wink.

The wine flows freely as dinner progresses and the conversation deepens. I’m getting to know these men on another level in such a short time. For two years, they were the strangers I drooled over from afar, the forbidden fruit that I could never get my hands on. But here I am, in this beautiful house with them, all three within my reach, and more than willing to touch me back. It’s rare to fall into such fortune, and the more I read about them from Cynthia’s diary, the more intrigued I become.

“How about you, Jason?” I ask once the conversation switches back to our professional lives while we clean the dessert off our plates. “You said you run a boat rental business, right?”

“That is correct,” he replies, his messy blond hair framing his tanned face. It brings out the sky in his eyes, and it’s making me tingle all over. “I had some money saved up from my time in the service, and as soon as we got back, I decided to settle in Providence and buy a couple of boats. I didn’t know the business would do so well, if I’m honest, but the charters in particular have been a tremendous hit.”

“Plus, it keeps him out at sea a lot,” Matthew adds.

“There’s nothing I love more,” Jason states.

“And that explains the permanent tan despite you now being a Rhode Island resident,” I giggle.

Sully laughs, then gets up and collects the last of the plates, which he then deposits into the dishwasher before returning to the table with another bottle of wine. “Jason’s Californian spirit can never be quelled nor dimmed,” he says. “The rest of us might look as pale as ghosts in midwinter, but this man is still a whole stick of caramel crunch, as you can see.”

“Oh, I can definitely see the caramel crunch,” I blurt out, damn near licking my lips as I look at Jason.

He immediately notices and flashes his signature grin as he leans back into his chair. I feel small and shy all of a sudden, surprised by my own words and the shamelessness with which I uttered them. I used to be a lot more reserved in my past life—that period of time prior to leaving Kieran—but I’ve left that part of me behind. That entire relationship feels like eons ago now. It’s as if I’ve only just discovered the better parts of life after having spent too much time wasted in a familiar but comfortable darkness.

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